Monday, November 01, 2004

Sylvia Plath whines a lot.

I'm really tired right now. But after the weekend I pulled that's not suprising. I just love that bus trip to and from home. Especially when in Burlington the bus breaks down three times and we end up having to switch to a new one. Now mind you this was after 12+ hours on the road and 45 minutes away from the bus station, I was annoyed to say the least. That sentance wasn't complete so I'll make this shorter then I was planning since I have to go to bed. I was thinking of doing work and I might still get something constructive done but I think the all nighter will come tomorrow instead. The other bad thing about returning on a Monday is that your tired all day before you go to your 6-9 class. And that hurts the brain meats.

The one shining beacon of light on my day today is that I know that eventually I get to see Katy. And that is a wonderful thing indeed. Especially now that Milo (and all the vowels in that name are long thank you) is wearing his Sox uniform, having a brewskie and watching sports T.V. Ahh the good life, I pray that I get back to it soon.

Rape Me - Nirvana


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