Sunday, October 02, 2005

What is going on with me?

For some strange reason, I'm getting this odd bug to type things. To write. Random no? I think it might have to do with me not being in school this year which has cut down on my typing a lot, but I didn't think I'd ever developed a crushing need to type anything.

Stupid people outside are loud. Stupid stupid people.

I may be getting a job at the Regent Park School of Music, and it sounds like a pretty sweet gig. I'd get to be a liason between parents, kids, and teachers, deal with organizing things, paper work or sorts, a newsletter, and whatnot. Which all sounds pretty cool. Basically I get to deal with people, which is good because I like people. And it will probably give me lots of things to right about here. Katy's Mom is on the board I think (she has influence of some sort, I'm still not sure exactly how) and is who I may or may not get this job through. Thank you Katy for giving them my name! If only the email situation would get fixed. I hate sending emails over the internet, it's been ingrained in me from my Mother's time spent in the office. Oh the rants she could go on about people not getting things done because it was lost in the electronic world when they could have walked twenty feet and talked person to person. North York is further then twenty feet though, and I was told to so I guess it's okay. This time.

I'd talk about Starbucks, but I'm going to sleep now. Someone out there remind me to do that. It's...interesting in a good way. So freakin' busy there. They had to tell me AFTER they'd hired me that it was the second busiest in the world (the first busiest is the rival store which is literally across the street off another branch of the PATH, which is Toronto's underground walkway system for those of you who have scrunched up your eyebrows in confusion), because apparently people have been scared away. I just let myself go mildly insane though and I survive it just fine. Though I'm still way to slow on the bar to be of any use there during a rush, I'm apparently quite 'legendary' (the term they use for overly friendly employee who makes nice with customers) though, they gave me employee of the week and a free lunch my first non training week in, which was kinda cool. I used it to meet Nicole for lunch as she also works downtown (but she gets a desk!).

Hey this post wasn't supposed to be long. See! This urge to type is overwhelming! I need to sleep! But hey, I'm almost 21! Five days! Huzzah!

Damn it Sunita just made me lose!

Oh, and see Serenity. I cannot stress this enough. You're life is a meaningless shell without it. Unless you know, you're too young to understand what's going on. Like my sister Emily. Who's seven. But it was really really really really REALLY good. So good. Okay, no spoilers Jae!

Stupid people outside making lots of noise - The Dumb Jerks of Sussex


At 2/10/05 1:39 AM, Blogger Sunita said...

Serenity was AWESOME! So great! Yeah, no spoilers. I get a hug and I'm awesome! Red algae was derived from a primary endosymbiosis!

Nighty-night Jae.

At 2/10/05 11:37 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

Damn yellow's is what we should be worried about. Only Matt, Steve, Craig, Adam, Commie, maybe the other Matt, Al, possibly Velluto, and come to think of it that's actually a lot of people who get that reference.

Oh, and Emily, the Prince, while being very dead, wasn't ALL your fault. And he did die trying to save you so, it was yo uknow the noble thing... so yeah, not all bad! Not like Hot Dog's ignominious's explosive death will be! damn it I have to stop spoiling things!

Oh and Becca, ye destroyer of worlds, did you have any idea I as keeping a running tally of the people you offed? Tee hee!

At 2/10/05 11:38 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

Oh, and have you guys figured out I'll never tell you anything of actual relevance to in game stuff?


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