Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Chicken Burrito of JOY!

Well I made it home just fine as made obvious by this post. Greyhound sort of screwed me over a bit by keeping me on the bus for a good chunk of time longer than I expected to be. Which in turn did not please my mother who got to wait at the other end fro the same length of time to pick me up. But all in all it was okay. I had to miss the Regent Park party which kind of sucks (it was a pot luck, it was going to be DELICIOUS) but I did make it home in time for Adam's birthday which was cool.

Oh yeah, and I'm getting up at unfathomably early times again.

I did get one day where I was allowed to basically sleep until I wanted to not sleep anymore, and the horrible time I'm awake this morning is actually 8:30 something-or-other, but still...

Okay so it's still not 3:40AM and I don't have to go to work. w00t!

So far this is a pretty good trip home, already gotten some serious hanging out done, suprised myself by beating Courtney at Scene-It Trivia Disney version, played my third game of Star Wars mini's ever (lost but my boys did their thing and Craig can't roll initiative to save his life, literally in that game's terms), and got to eat from Three Amigos within an hour of getting off the bus. To borrow an expression from Emily (not the blood relation Emily);

"Boo-ya kasha mother #%$&@#!"

Or something like that anyways.

The vast majority of the people who read this happen to reside in/around the G.T.A. (that's Greater Toronto Area for those few of you who don't). And many have you have possibly heard me comment on the fact that there is basically no really good Mexican cuisine to be found. Taco Bell isn't Mexican (though it is frakkin' amazing stuff), and every now and then you can find a decent taco (decent being just good enough to pass as such) in places such as the taco hut on Bloor in the Annex... can't exactly remember the name but I've only been there once.

When I say I got to eat at Three Amigos, I mean I got better Mexican/Central American food then I've ever eaten in Mexico/Central America. I'm basing this solely off of which place I trust to never give me Hepatitus of some sort when I eat there. The place is good. DAMN good. Good enough that when my brother and I introduced it to our friends they've kept going back consistantly for FOUR years. Good enough for me to forever capitalize the food I eat there as a proper noun. To quote Steve the first time he had a Taco there;

Matt: "So Steve, how's that Taco?"
Steve looking up from devouring:
"That's a BITCHIN' Taco!"
Resume devouring.

And the Chicken Burrito I ate when there a few days ago? Bitchin' describes it well indeed. So damn good.

Anyways, I'm awake my sister's bene dropped off at school, and now my Mom and I are going to go buy groceries (she's gotten used to not having both of her 6'+ sons in the house at the same time, food runs out a LOT faster, especially milk, as anyone who's ever known me can attest).

Gotta go!


At 21/12/05 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how was the kitty when you left??
i sent you today's foxtrot too, it's hillarious. :)

At 21/12/05 3:38 PM, Blogger Sunita said...

There's nothing wrong with being a morning person *blush*

Juls saw the kitty yesterday Maria. She said it wanted lots of affection...awww...

At 23/12/05 12:14 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

Ahhh War Crack, when will people learn that Games Workshop is evil? What else can I call the company that destroyed so many independant quality manufacturers and openly advocates a non-inclusive brand of table top gaming? Plus there figures SUCK and plastic should NEVER cost more then metal.


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