Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I have GOT to get better at posting!

Some things: Christmas shopping is almost done for everybody, just a few more small things to get. And by a few I mean 3, and I already know what they are and where so it's gonna be pretty easy. We finally got the rat that was at the school. And it was bigger then Harlequinn. Freakin' huge. If you don't understand the exactly how big go here for a reference:

  • Harlequinn!

  • That is Harlequinn on a laptop. This rodent was LARGER. Got him though! w00t! to the pest control guy.

    Kudos to Maria for making me grin today with these (start with this one and continue through the next three)*:

  • The Boondocks

  • Continuing on. Man work is busy! BUT I may... stressing the MAY part here, be getting to go home earlier then I thought. So cross your fingers, pray to whatever god you believe in, and help me get home with good Karma! Huzzah! Adam, I'm trying my damndest to be there for your birthday man (that's me younger bro for all of you not in the know these days). Here we go! YOSH! (I don't think that's spelled right). I have some pictures that should go up here, but that will come later. One last thing. (some) People suck. They couldn't tell me where they're local public library was so I wandered around north east toronto for four hours trying to find the theater my friends play was. Never finding it of course so I didn't get to see the play ('Emma' for any community theater people who actually read this, I don't think there are all that many of you, if any at all...) and the Fairview Mall was sorta boring by myself. But I did get some shopping done after I got fed up wandering outside in the cold and snow. Sorry Ashley, I tried though. And since I've now learned that the library is RIGHT NEXT TO one exit of the mall (the one that I didn't happen to go out of to walk up and down the main streets of the area) I have to say that the information desk is a misnomer of epic proportions. Yeah, I'm bitter. Wanted to see that show damn it!


    The Dance of the Sgar Plum Fairy - The Nutcracker, 96.3

    *This is to explain why I didn't just post a link to all of the comics. I did actually, eBlogger wouldn't let me post it as the html was bad, and try as I might with my limited knowledge I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I DO know that I can physically type in the URLs to the first three comics (7,8,9) but not the last (10) for some stupid reason. I don't know, but I want this post up, so I gave up and just posted the first one that worked!


    At 13/12/05 10:33 PM, Blogger Sunita said...

    Yay! Sugar Plum Fairy! I can't wait to see the ballet!

    And I like theatre. More notice and I would go. =)

    At 15/12/05 5:04 PM, Blogger Maggie Danger said...

    Glad to hear things are going pretty well. And may I just say, excellent application of the word, "YOSH." *spreads feet and holds up fist* I certainly hope you did the pose while you typed it.


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