Saturday, December 03, 2005

Well that wasn't very nice!

Emily once again posted on my blog. I've deleted it now, so if you hadn't seen it, too bad for you. You don't get to. We just watched Electra and while it was pretty bad, it wasn't as bad as DareDevil. Okay, well.... actually I'm not sure which one was worse. And that's something.

I'm taking the auto-login for this off my computer now.

Speaking of computers, I think Wedge is getting a little slow in his old age. Might have to start thinking about replacing him. (sniffle) He's a good (even if he's completely psychotic at times, he'actually KILLED two other computers out of jealousy when I was in residence, one of them was my Don's which was a bit awkward) machine, and we work well together. So it would be sad to see him go the wayside. Lets ride him into the ground and see how far he'll go shall we? Sounds like a plan to me!

Okay so this post has been a long time in coming, almost two weeks in fact I think. At first it was just because I was lazy and didn't get around to it. But then I got sick. Yep. Got me the flu. Which sucked. But my fevers, chills, and headaches are all but gone now so I can finally get out and do things. Like finish my Christmas shopping. Stuff like that. But I do owe some people a post since I said I would. I owe them pictures too. So I'll include at least one today.

What else...

Ah yes! We have a new addition to the apartment! I was going to put up pictures but my email client is down for updates, so you don't get them. Yet. Unless someone else has already posted them on their blog and you've seen them. Anyways, her name is Harlequin, which was the final result of a long process (read argument) of choosing one for her. Suggestions ranged from Samus Aran (mine) to Red XIII (Ben's and yes I had to explain to him that Red XIII is male not female... honestly sometimes I wonder whether Ben was high or something when he played through FF VII), to She-ra, Princess of Power:

Ummm....not a chance in hell for any cat of mine!

(Maria's egged on by a bunch of the girls). We settled Harlequin because she's kind of got a mask, she's sort of insane, and it's a Batman reference so it's geeky enough for me, but normal enough for everyone else. Though I do want to point out that Ben wanted to name the cat after male characters in video games. Again. He won't live that down for a while. An example of something funny that's happened with the kitty though, the following is an MSN conversation I had with Maria while back:

Jae-Gon Jinn says:
So I'm having this dream that I'm being shot with one of those nerf ball guns by the demon I was fighting,
and no matter what, it kept hitting me in the head with the damn thing. Then I thought...what the hell is a demon doing with a nerf ball gun?

Maria - um, ok, maybe harlequin says:

Jae-Gon Jinn says:
So I wake up, realize I'm staring at my pillow, and that I actually am being hit in the head with something soft. So I turn my head to see what it is and have two things pop into my head.

Jae-Gon Jinn says:
1: 'Cat?' Just like that. A question, single word.

Maria - um, ok, maybe harlequin says:
(smily of sorts)

Jae-Gon Jinn says:
2: 'Shi...owwww' as her paw got me full in the eye. I FELT THE PADS...

Maria - um, ok, maybe harlequin says:
(smily of sorts)

Jae-Gon Jinn says:
I had to wash my eye out for a good long while too, I had dust and such in my eye.

Yep, that wasn't fun at the time. But it makes for a good story I suppose.

Oh and the Dropkick Murphy's put on one HELL of a live show. Though I did lose my patience with people fast, and that night marked the beginning of the end for one of pairs of jeans, it was AWESOME. The band right before them were good as well, so I want to give full props and thumb ups and whatever else is appropriate to Big D and the Kids Table as well. Very nice. One hell of a good time too. Thanks for the B-day present Emily!

Also as a last little bit, I'd like to say a very large HELLO! to everyone in Connecticut whom I haven't ever met and actually read this blog! ^_^ I think that's the happy face thing that Maggie does. I think it's only one person who does. Emily said you said hi, and that you had read her post on here so hello! Thanks for not making this thing a complete waste of time (just allow me my delusions okay? It's better for everyone I think) and feel free to comment. My Mom does, so you should too and I like to argue, just ask Becca, who I hope isn't bored completely out of her skull or anything because I'm not there to be annoying or walk in with bleeding knuckles and a concussion. Ah... fun times...

And there's a post finally. I should really get better at being more consistant. But I have decided that since I'm not always listening to music (either I'm not in the mood, or like now, don't want to bother sleeping people) I think I'll start putting quotes below my posts as well as whatever I'm listening too. Maybe not both at the same time, or what the heck, maybe I will one day to be all special.

This is the century of the Lovable Loser, isn't it?
- Bill Simmons


At 4/12/05 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, don't knock She-Ra! She'll kick-a your ass. You also could have gone with She-Ra's furry nemesis, Catra as a name, but I think Harlequin suits her.

At 4/12/05 8:57 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

Hi Sarah! I see you found my blog okay!

No cat of mine will ever be named She-Ra, regardless of how much ass the namesake may have kicked.


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