Saturday, April 07, 2007

Devora made cupcakes!

And I got to eat one. No frosting. But still tasty!

It's damn chilly outside too!

Okay, now that it's fresh in my mind after wrestling with it to let me in and post finally (huh... um... it's been a while hasn't it?) New Blogger irks me. Well maybe not irks...

I guess the jury is still out as far as I'm concerned on this 'new blogger' then. For those of you not involved with this portion of the digital world, Google went in and devoured blogspot a while back. What does this mean for me? Stupidly I had to create a new account so that Google could use their strange alchemical processes and make my experience somehow better than it was prior to their ascending the throne. Really, they wanted more people to have google accounts. God (or Satan?) only knows why. What are they doing with them? Do they print out user names in giant lists on thousands of sheets of paper and then roll in them with orgasmic fervor? WHAT WAS THE POINT?!?

As far as I can tell this is what's changed so far;

- I'm being annoyed a lot more.
- I now have a google account. Whoopee.
- My sign in username went from six keystrokes to twenty fucking three.
- My browsers suddenly become cousin to Sesame Streets fuzzy blue cookie addicted creature of sin. Google loves cookies it seems. If only I could pelt it with Oreos in a vain attempt to satiate it's demands! But alas...
- Did I mention the I'm really annoyed part?

Other than those things. Not much that I can see has changed.

In other news. Almost done with this year. I'm almost scared of how much I'm looking forward to working at Camp Wakanda again this year. Almost. Because I'm still excited. On that topic, I'm trying to find some archery lessons in the area, can anyone help? Hart House hasn't replied to me, and both stores I've called haven't picked up their phone, or returned my messages.



At 7/4/07 1:35 PM, Blogger Sunita said...

Yeah, the new blogger sucks. i hate that my user name is longer to sign in too. graaa

I was forced in to switching. it wouldn't let me sign in with "old blogger" for while so i had no choice, unless i wanted to stop blogging. which i think i may do.


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