Monday, February 04, 2008

It's a doozy

"My name is Wil Wheaton, and Jack Thompson can suck my balls."

Just listened to Wheaton's keynote speech from PAX last night. It was awesome, and you should hear it too. So go now! Shoo! Listen to it now! What I've quoted was the introductory line... awesome.

I'm back to blog. And yes it's because certain people began poking me with sticks (both proverbial and literal... you fuckers). Everyday before I go to bed and after I brush my teeth it seems. So tonight I'm going to start. If anyone is wondering why I'm up at 4:30am, I'm going running to try and detox from the horror that was the Superbowl. How the fuck did we manage to lose that one?

I Am A Poseur - X-Ray Spex


At 4/2/08 9:50 AM, Blogger Ricco Swave said... you're going to _stop_ brushing your teeth? That's not a good thing there, Jae.

Welcome back to the internet. It seems like this week everyone who's fallen off the face of the internet has started to get back on line.

Drop me a line sometime man. I'm going to be in Boston come april for Geography Con '08, we should grab a beer!

At 4/2/08 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I just left the room to get some more beer and...wait, what do you mean our hockey squad lost? How many ends have they had?

*yells at TV* ...hit him with your stick!

At 5/2/08 12:28 AM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

Ricco no. Read things in the proper order man, I even made it easy and put it all in sentences with punctuation and everything!

Tlonista... hun you get an A+ for effort, but wrong sport.

And yet I still miss you guys something fierce...

But yeah sorry about that falling off bit, it hurt a lot but I feel better.


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