Sunday, January 30, 2005

My god.

I'm sort of in shock right now. How the freakin' hell is it possible for the Rock to lose to Rochester, of all boring as sin upstate New York cities, 15-6?!? And at home? The ACC? That goalie was on steroids. I DEMAND A TEST!

It's okay though, because they're going to redeem temselves tonight. THEY WILL DAMN IT! I'll be watching. Oh, will I be watching.

On another note, woot for the elections in Iraq. I don't pray often, God's busy enough, but I did so that they'd go well. We need to get out of there. Democracy is a wonderful thing when applied correctly and not corrupted. And why are people now talking about Iran? That would be a very bad idea. This comic says it very well I think.

I hope the author doesn't mind that I'm telling people about his comic, but if he does sorry and he can complain about it to make me do something else. If not then I don't care.


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