Sunday, December 26, 2004

Snow snow snow snow snow etc...

I'm at my Dad's, it's snowing. There's a Patriots game at 4:00 so the house will be taken over then by the call of downs. Maggie and Pebbles are running around having a grande old time, they're fatter then they used to be due to my father's constant feeding of them. And they drink more coffee in a day then most people do. It's strange to say the least. Katelyn is gone to visit Robbie and her father so it's just Adam and I here right now. I've already painted a mini, I put together one of the plastic mechs my Dad sells like my unstoppable act of brilliance that is "Carneval II" from Armored Core (for those who actually know what this mech is I looked for the symbols to make the name properly, can't find them but I'll work on that). Chicken legs, double cannon on his top (he doesn't really have shouolders on the mini, he doesn't really stand up straight... hey it's the closest I could get it) and missle pods for arms. I managed to paint in the extra missile extensions too but the radar head I'm sorry to say didn't make it. I think the paint scheme came out similar to what I used in the game, I even tried to put my crest on his shoulder (YES I know it should go on the arm, shush!). All I need to do now is plug the hole in the stand with some putty, maybe flock it, and seal it up and it's done. I like the way it came out so far. Oh and all you people who ordered things from me... you better be ready to pay!

I think it's B5 time. Let's see, 'River of Souls' directors commentary? I think so. 'Maybe A Call to Arms' afterwards.

This blog is pretty boring for a lot of people I'm sure. Oh well. Love you Katy!

The I'm tougher Howl - M&P and the New Dogs on the Block


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