Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Alright, so after hours upon hours of debating with myself, I've finally made a decision. I like boys. Really, I like them a lot. I know some of you might be taken aback by this, some of you might very well be shocked into a state of unconciousness, some of you might have seen this coming, but I just had to get this off my chest.

I should probably have let you know in person, and for that I'm very sorry. It's been difficult to type this, but believe me it was harder to keep this in all these years. I don't find women sexually attractive. I look at girls, I see them, but there's no appeal. Breasts don't look to me like anything but an inconvenience and are really not as attractive as strongly muscled arms that can hold me tight and make me feel safe and loved. A very good looking girl (she was hot by other people's standards) asked me out and all I could think of to say was "I like men, I'm sorry." A female friend once told me she'd date me if I liked women. And if I'm not attracted to her, then that's it, no women for me.

I would also like to take the time to point out my type. Callum Blue is my idea of a hot hot HOT man. Have you ever seen Dead Like Me? Wow. Callum is a great actor, and he's got such a cute ass. Another amazing actor is Charlie Hunnam. He was in the British version of Queer as Folk. h-h-h-h-hot! I'm amazed that more people aren't in love with him. Really. Also: check out Jonathan Rhys-Meyers.

Anyways, it's getting very late and Jae needs sleep. Stupid Starbucks. You know, sometimes I just hate working for Starbucks. The early hours are killing me.

And by "me" I really mean Emily. Not Jae. Emily. (Although- this post was made with the full authorization of Jae Rodgers.)


At 19/10/05 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Get A Grant

At 19/10/05 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh like you didn't do that purposefully to see who got freaked out by it...I suppose it's probably telling that your madre read the first paragraph then skimmed straight to the bottom knowing there was going to be some kind of disclaimer there. Not because I would be in denial or anything like that, but because you've been a player and a shameless flirt (and I mean with females) since before you were old enough to know what that was... Besides, my gaydar hasn't failed me in a long, long time. (After all, I had Alex pegged long before he came out. And he was married to my friend).

At 19/10/05 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, and by the way...what really gave you away here was the fact that you're still the same person who was going to pretend with someone for April Fools Day that they were pregnant and freak out all the know that whole thing about the wolf...
On the other hand, do tell Emily she has really good taste in men.

At 19/10/05 9:26 PM, Blogger AP said...

In case Sunita stops by here, I would just like to say:


Pretty funny, Jae, almost had me for a sec.

At 19/10/05 11:08 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

I was sleeping when she typed this! Not funny Jae, funny Emily! She masterminded the whole thing, I wish I had that much funny up there but alas no.

And Alicia, she did have Joe, who never bothered to scroll down. That was a awkward phone call lol.

At 20/10/05 9:01 AM, Blogger AP said...

"And Alicia, she did have Joe, who never bothered to scroll down. That was a awkward phone call lol."

Frakkin' hell that's funny.


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