Thursday, June 08, 2006

It worked!

Okay, blogger is acting six kinds of wonky... so whether or not this makes it as a post is your guess...

It literally looks broken right now. And I've actually got stuff to say too!

First things first. (I'm sketched that links won't work... it barely displayed the page.)

If this place 'Galactic Pizza' were in Toronto, they would earn my complete and utter devotion as being my exclusive provider of pizza. Yes, even over Papa Ceo's and Cora's. I'm that impressed. The man chased down a purse snatcher because the store is just like that. Doing things for the community, being superheros, delivering fresh baked pies with the power of the wind infused within them?


If they open a branch in Toronto or anywhere I'm currently living, I'll be the first to sign the petition to ge the Aquabats to play at the opening.

In other news. My soul almost revolted. There's was a small riot and battle lines drawn, but cooler heads prevaile on both sides and a negotion was reached across the bargaining table. I think things came to a point after I got two hours of sleep last night. That was a pretty good faculty meeting though. Go stuff done! AND drank champagne! Back to the point;

See, I looked at the schedule for the next two weeks at Starbucks. It's as follows;

Mon - 5:15
Tue - 5:15
Wed - 5:15
Thu - 5:15
Fri - 5:15

The rumblings of internal discontent began. That's just not cool yo. I know I only opened once this week, but I average more opens then anyone else in the store. And there's not even a close second. Five opens in one week. Damn. For those of you who don't know, this means my alarm will be set for 3:45 for all of these mornings.

That would be the time I'd normally want to go to bed not leave it.

But then the follow up, placed like the second half of the ol' one-two punch combo. The week following this is;

Mon - 5:15
Tue - 6:00
Wed - 5:15
Thu - 5:15
Fri - 5:15

And that's when my soul declared independance from Brain and Body and began it's brief attempt at seccession.

I will sleep when I get home from work on those days... or I don't think I'll hold it together.

I mean, I'm comparing my psyche to the demiliterized zone between North and South Korea! That can't be a good sign.

A LOT is happening this week. Visitors galore, graduations, and I'm working on Saturday. Birthdays, gatherings, and sports to be played! And sleep to fit in there... somewhere...

I also want someone else's opinion. I know I like to 'I drew this', but that's a webcomic so I thought I could get away with it. But I've tried to generally keep things as politically not offensive to either side. And by that I mostly mean the right. Around election time I let things go a bit but I haven't railed off on tangents about what I think is actually destroying, and I mean that in the way a lawnmower would destroy an infant kind of way, not just harming a little, the United States.

I love my country. So much that it hurts now to watch the news a lot. But I swore I wouldn't live there if Bush was reelected for another four year term because I didn't want to be there under that kind of torture. And because someone had to keep up relations north of the border.

And yes... I use a 'postal' as opposed to a 'zip' code right now.

But I'm just about fed up. Should I start railing? Linking to some other blogs and such who maybe share similar opinions?

With the current goings on in Congress over the Gay Marriage Ban Amendment, I decided to put up the following quote by one of my Senators to end the post;

"Look, either we're all drinking from the same water-fountain, or we're not."
- Sen. Ted Kennedy

EDIT: Maggie and Becca are here!
EDIT: Getting to Arizona is going ot be.... interesting this summer.


At 8/6/06 7:59 PM, Blogger Ricco Swave said...

you know, I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say, oh, I don't know, what have I been saying for the past 8 months, quit your goddamned job? Just say'n

At 8/6/06 11:09 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

Your novel idea... intrigues me...

I do only have about two months left of this you know. Maybe a bit more.

At 9/6/06 1:58 AM, Blogger AP said...


At 9/6/06 12:41 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

I <3 $


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