Sunday, June 04, 2006

A toll is a toll and a roll is a roll...

A promise is a promise Maria, so here's my blogpost.

It shouldn't come to other people forcing me to post, but it did. That kind of saddens me.


See? Sad. Told you so!

So. What the hell have I been up to? Let's see. I was actually home last weekend. And by home I meant Wakefield. Got to see some people again (which was awesome), had a barbeque, relaxed, and got to go to the beach (thanks Courtney!) which reminded me just how much I missed the ocean. I stepped out of the car into that salt breeze and I was homesick while actually being at home. Which is frakkin' odd since I don't really ever feel homesick. Even when I was little and at summer camp for weeks at a time in Quebec. I also saw X3 and the DaVinci code (both of which were okay, not great but okay, which is a shame for X3 since 1 & 2 were both fantastic) while at home so there was that as well.

There's of course been my normal working stuff, not much of a suprise there I'm sure. I've also just about almost found myself a new place to live for next month. So cross your fingers people, and wish me luck! Ugh. I've started packing too. Bleh, not so much fun at all. Especially as per usual, my room is a crime scene.

Moving on to current events! Maria is going crazy right now because one of her friends girlfriends is jealous of her or something. I think there was some sort of thermo-nuclear explosion felt in the city when she found out that they(Maria and guy-friend) had gone to lunch together. Eeek! Even I'm not that jealous! I hope things work out because that last time I saw her this stressed out was over her Egyptian final, and those times do not evoke pleasant memories... for anyone.

I just got back from playing 'In the Groove', one of those DDR ripoffs, that Annex Submarine has in it (they're open to 4 or 5? Really? Cool!) with Julia. Not Jordan's Julia but (and now she isn't 'hers' persay, but... whatever you get the point) but Nicole's Julia. I was bored so I went for a walk down Bloor and she came. I dunnop, maybe it's because I'm probably moving out of the Annex in the next four weeks, but I'm getting all nostalgic for it again. I really like this neighborhood. Good place to live. Whoah man was that fun though. I really should get to it more often. I have so much fun! Anyone up for it?!?

I don't know what else I can put up tonight. I think I forgot to mention the BBQ over a Shaun's place, or maybe I didn't I don't remember...

Meh. My Fantasy Lacrosse team is getting it's rear end handed to it right now, I'm going to play baseball tomorrow at the Pits, and maybe spend about six hundred bucks.

I need to geek out I think. For such is the spice of my life. May the force be with you.


Johnny Quest (Thinks We're Sellouts) - Less Than Jake


At 7/6/06 12:22 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

Yes. Yes I do know how to put music on my website.

Since most people like to listen to their own music while surfing the web, I thought I'd be nice and not annoy them by putting music to fight with theirs when they visit.

Google it. Or ask again.


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