Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wheaton is a Geek. Respect.

Now, I assume that most of the people I know read Wil Wheaton's blog from time to time. Of course, then I thought about it for a few more seconds and realized that may not be entirely true...

Well you should.

But in case you don't here's three things I've learned from him recently;

Watchmen is fucking awesome and I have no reason to worry about it being a rape of the graphic novel.

Zoe Keating
and Yo Yo Ma should be required to breed and produce a beautiful Cellist Lovechild. Because they are both really really good at what they do.

Wil Wheaton is further behind in Battlestar Galactica than I am.

There is actually more that I gather from his site and store away into my brain like a precious gemstone of knowledge, but I said three so you get three. Just go read his blog. And listen to Keating's music. Then figure out how she does it. Then come back so that you can agree with me that she's awesome.

Unrest in the House of Light - The Protomen


At 2/9/09 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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