Wednesday, May 28, 2008

And so we'll continue.

The shower is over... w00t.

No it actually went fairly well I thought, and some people complimented me on it so that's cool as well. And now I can relax a little. And I had a lot of fun too so that helped.

I was even invited to a gaming night! It was the night of the shower though so I couldn't get some gaming on... damn it!

Well camp trainings have started in earnest (helped run the the one today in fact), my boss is off on a cruise so I'm running the show at work as well... So I did say a little.

In other news, The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness is out and I'm thinking I needs to play it. So tempted to buy it. So tempted.

I know this is a lame update, and I do actually have a bit of rant to go on about a certain DM of mine hamstringing characters by forcibly changing ability scores after they've been completely generated. I mean race and class chosen, feats selected, skills allocated, weapons purchased, and an an entire gaming session played. I'm not playing an elf for the low light vision. That's for damn sure.

Oh... and I found some absolutely terrible scifi movies. To put this in perspective for some of you who have an inkling as to my... ahem... taste in movies.

They make 'The Kings Guard' look like a blockbuster hit. One of them even directly rips off scenes from the original Battlestar Galactica. And I really really wish I were joking. I'm talking actual footage of Vipers flying around fighting Raiders.


It's delicious...

Tank! - Yoko Kano and the Seatbelts


At 28/5/08 9:14 AM, Blogger Ricco Swave said...

OTRSPOD:PAA is a kick-ass game. Well worth the 20 bucks. Check it out!


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