Sunday, April 24, 2005

Katy and Jae's muffin and cupcake adventure!

So Katy just made muffins and cupcakes for her fellow employees. Apparently a group of them sat around thinking that it would be great to have muffins... and Katy decided she'd make some. The first batch were chocolate chip chocolate muffins with marshmallows in them and on them. They tasted pretty good, but suprisingly not all that chocolatey, and while I for one like a marshmallow that's been toasted a little brown, Katy wasn't too happy about them bloating up and melting all over the place on her muffins. I think they're good.

So she decided to do a second batch and this time to do cupcakes. A quick google search yielded up a new recipe and away we go! Wait... no eggs... baking soda... and vinegar!?! Yes vinegar. With baking soda... to quote Katy "that means, volcano." (with cute face and hand motions and everything!). It's a science project AND it's delicious! Now the new ones are baking! Woohoo!

:Time elapse of five or twenty minutes... we added the marshmallows later this time:

And we just talked about spellchecking blogs. Because Craig obviously doesn't! And he can't throw things at me or even shake a fist violently in my direction cause he's in Japan! Well, I guess someone could point out 'east' and he could shake his fist but I'm hedging my bets on two things, a: he won't read this, and b: he won't care all that much even if he does!

The marshmallows we added did nothing but melt and make craters in the tops of the cupcakes, so we filled the gooey craters with more marshmallows! I wanted to color coordinate the dead ones with the reinforcements but Katy didn't care. Enh.

Well this blog is now rambling on and on and I didn't even talk about how I might finally be employed... twice over! Huzzah! And I even had to talk my way into that one manager giving me the job during the interview. Well, maybe she'll call me tomorrow and shoot me down but for now I shall revel in my blissful ignorance. Oh the revelling I have done! I went and bought groceries to celebrate! Yeah! And the peasants rejoice!

Time for bed, goodnight!

The silence of the city is astounding...not even a car horn or a siren. It's just that gross outside.


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