Monday, July 18, 2005


So I've been sick all weekend. Which has sucked. For 'sleep' I basically lie in bed making a stain because it's so freakin' hot out. And now I'm up at 6:20. Because I can't sleep and I'm about to sign up for classes. ....woo? Shit this sucks. On the plus side I've grown to HATE Robarts even more then I did before. Mostly because I've been spending as much time there as possible (it's got the AC), you know in retrospect... that's probably why I'm sick. Okay, time to find another ACed study place. I might actually go hang out at work instead. Hmm... there is the free coffee, though I'm not sure how much they'd let me abuse that.

In other news:

The theater that my sister was performing in Cinderella burned down. For all of you who grew up near where I did, that would be the North Shore Music Theater. Okay, so it didn't burn down, it just burned a little, the sprinklers turned on, and everything got heat warped and wet. So the show is cancelled. Which is actually a huge bummer since I won't get to see it when I go home. That's the 23rd by the way, through to the tuesday morning, in case anyone cared.

My apartment smells a bit like dog. And my lord Emily that dog sheds. Okay, explanation. Emily came over with her dog Tyra. Apparently she took the dog for a walk/drive to get the stuff she'd left at Maggie and Becca's. On the plus side, Emily has now seen 'Big Trouble in Little China', and 'Equilibrium'. Which are both very good, for very different reasons, but still very good.

The Harry Potter book is out and I'm starting to hate people. People who stand IN LONG LINES AT GROCERY STORES (Dominion on Bloor/Walmer) AND DISCUSS LOUDLY THE NUANCES OF THE PLOT! I kid ye not. I am now really really mad. I actually had to ask them to politely stop talking about it because I couldn't cover both my ears and carry the groceries at the same time, and I wanted to read the book myself. Then they had the nerve to ask me where I got off telling them what they could and couldn't do. I was about to drop my groceries and slap the very arrogant 6'4" blonde man who was staring me down, when a small explosion went off behind the couple. The small explosion was a five and a half foot black english teacher. My only words to describe the stream of words that came from her mouth about people respecting the desires and wishes of other people to experience literature for themselves, to the cashier, was.. wow. The guy's still an ass though.

Ben is still not here. It's really really strange having such a large apartment to myself for so long. It's kinda lonely.

Alright. Time to do something else.

Get Away - Goldfinger


At 18/7/05 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate when people ruin plots allot! I'm kinnda intserested in the books now but I'd have alot of catching up to do.......
good to finally see you journal again sorry I lost it in the first place.

At 18/7/05 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah hope you get better. I was sick last month for a week and a helf and it sucked!

At 18/7/05 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know what can make it less lonely? you can nail the backings on the bookcases and then put on loud music in my room and pretend i'm there! :p really though, feel better. between sickness and gross gross heat, it can't be good times at all.

At 18/7/05 8:16 PM, Blogger AP said...

Get well soon, being sick sucks. Made some ascii art for you while waiting for ROSI start time to roll around.

At 18/7/05 8:40 PM, Blogger Sunita said...

Awww...feel better. I'll try to visit you tomorrow before I see the girls.

At 18/7/05 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm... Harry Potter related injuries, a problem I know all too well.

At 18/7/05 9:40 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

(sniffle) Ascii art for me? No ones ever made ascii art for me before! I feel so special!!!

Okay feelings fading a little...

At 18/7/05 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tyra sheds because she loves.

what are you doing on sunday? ana and i were planning something horrible.


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