Friday, January 27, 2006

Bobby Watson is hiding divine ancestry.

Woodwind Teacher Shaun has moved up several notches in the extremely high totempole of coolest person ever. Why you may ask? Because just when I think all hope is lost of finding someone to go to the Rock game with, he gives me a call.

Let me describe my thought's when I sat down in my seat.

"Fuck. Yes. Fuck yes. I can't believe how fucking yes this is!"

I was in row 19 of the gold section 109. Awww hell's yeah. Due to his sons friends season ticket holding families inability to go to the game tonight, I got to watch in my brand new Rock jersey, as they beat the Rush to FINALLY win. Watson was awesome. I saw a five goal game from Wilson... and so much other good... Going to bed now before the afterglow wears off.

Because I have to WORK tomorrow.



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