Sunday, November 14, 2004

It's GO time!

This has been a very boring weekend. On the plus side, there was a Sushi party here, I got to hang out with Katy, and I went to Kung Fu Film Friday. Not to mention watching 'Crippled Masters' during the sushi business. A very disturbing movie to say the least. I did a lot of school work too. Not as much as I'd hoped but more then I actually thought I'd get done.

But the important part of this weekend is in a couple of hours. It's time somebody finally kicked Skule's ass in the playoffs, and we plan to be the ones to do it! So as we take to the pitch and shout our ancient and time honored war cry, everybody think Rugby thoughts, say 'Go Vic!', and give a prayer. It can't hurt.

So just about everybody I know has had people come visit them this year. Except for me. I don't fully understand it to tell you the truth. I mean, if you're underage, in school, and you have a friend with an apartment in an area where you ARE legal... that's a no brainer right? Why the hell is it taking people so long to get their shit wired and up here? WE HAVE A FUTON!

Let's be rational. Go on vacation, have a good time, and hit up the clubs your country doesn't feel your prepared for. Or bars. Or nothing and sleep the entire time. I don't really care! Just get over here!

Maybe Katie - Barenaked Ladies


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