Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Wait, what did I just do?

I have no memory whatsoever of the last two hours. Maybe more...I can't tell! I suddenly found myself standing in the middle of the living room staring blankly at the wall. Did I fall asleep standing up? What the hell? I have no idea how the hell it's 3:07am...

All I remember is sitting on the futon, thinking, "this movie looks interesting"... it was called Subliminal Seduction I think (it took a while to remember that). Then poof! No longer am I staring at the idiot box hoping the 'Space' channel's (it's the Canadian version of SciFi) b-list late night movie will put me to sleep like a baby. Instead I'm standing behind the bloody futon, wondering why the hell my knee hurts and when did the movie end?

I'm man enough to say. That was a wee bit on the frightening as all hell side. I don't think I've ever sleepwalked or anything before. And I don't feel like I've gotten any rest either... Que-ce que f$*%!?!

If I did anything to anyone I'm sorry (my shoes hadn't moved though, and my socks were dry...) but where the hell did two hours go! How did I move! That movie is evil! Evil I say. Subliminal Seduction, I'm never watching it again that's for damn sure! Okay, I need sleep now. I think I'll check my bank account before I go to sleep though. Damn this is creepy.

Kokomo - The Beach Boys


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