Monday, July 25, 2005

Wakanda rules!

So today was kinda fun. Actually it was a really good day. I got to the dentists, and nothing major was wrong with me. This is good! Then I went to the beach with the Mom and the Emily and that was fun too (Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester, I breathed deep of the salt air on the stiff breeze. Ha ha, the first thing I did was touch the water and taste it, salty! Lovely!) before they drove me over (a long circuitous route through small-town northshore, Ipswich, Essex and the like, very nice) to the camp where I hung out with Courtney and her group for the rest of the day. I had fun, but man all they wanted to do was either complain that I wasn't working there, hang on my arms (the little ones), or tell me all the bad things that were happening to them. It was surreal, I don't think they realized I'd been gone. Afterwords, the van took off without me, at Adam's urging I'm sure, so I rode back with the busses. Then got to wait around doing very little until 7:00 because they had a staff meeting. Very strange stuff.

In between the appointment and the beach we went to Denny's to get some food, and yep! Some things never change. Fairly crappy service, and oh my god that coffee was... well horrible. So of course out of spite I drank four cups of it.

Still at home, so besides what's running through my head, no music. I COULD turn on the radio. Bah to the effort.


At 25/7/05 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ew, jae, you drank the ocean?? that's so gross... i bet i love the ocean every bit as much as you do, and it's one thing to inhale deeply of it and savor the aroma of salty sea water, but to *taste* it?? EW.

At 26/7/05 1:05 AM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

I didn't 'drink' it! I got a finger wet and dabbed that on my lips. I didn't have a bathing suit with me so I wasn't going to swim, but when you do go swimming, you do TASTE the salt in the water whether you want to or not. I was reminiscing in my childhood! Jeesh!


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