Thursday, August 18, 2005

I'm doing the boogy dance!

Okay, so I should post so that I don't renege on my promise. Then I think I'll sleep some more. Because I haven't enough already (lie) and am tired (lie, actually lazy). But I do have to go to the bank. OH! Ana just started sending me pictures from her digital camera. Here!

First up is Ana herself! All that glorious Ana! And yes she is actually this short. She's hilarious, is discovering new joys of her blossoming geekdom every day, and is living proof that Dungeons and Dragons can get you action. It got her a boyfriend! She had this picture taken because her mother wanted to know who the mysterious Jae was or something. I'm bad at explaing mundane things though.

Next is another picture of me. Because I like me! So there! It's Jae contemplating in Kensington. What the hell kind of restaurant closes for an entire Tuesday? TUESDAY?!? I mean, hunh? Fine! We won't eat at that hotpot restaurant!

Speaking of Hot Pot! It's wonderful because it's all you can eat. So of course we eat until we pee meat. SO tasty, so so tasty. Mmmmm, meat+fire=awesome. My name is Jae and I approved of this Hot Pot.

And here's a glory shot of hot gamer girls in action. It's an all girl gaming group! It's awesome! There's even another one behind the camera! They're showing off my dice too woot! They're in what is called the 'girl game', and guys aren't even allowed in the apartment while they're playing (that is not my place by the way). They do strange things like have underwear pillow fights, jello wrestle, and eat delicious exotic foods while being waited on by man-servants. Or something like that. Or at least thats what the guys are convinced of (we don't know you see, we're not invited to the party you see. We have Smash Brothers, beer, and oh wait I'm not supposed to tell you anything else).

Yes. Pictures. Off to do....something!

The Impression That I Get - The Mighty Might Bosstones


At 18/8/05 3:07 PM, Blogger Sunita said...

You're close to the mark....pillows, jello, delicious exotic foods, man-servants (ooops)...

BBQ was yummy...but I need my spice! THE SPICE IS LIFE!

I like me too... =)

At 24/8/05 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your mother wants to know...are you the boyfriend mentioned here? and if so, why am I always the last to know? don't you love me any more? signed, elizabeth of cedar

At 26/8/05 1:42 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

No Elizabeth of Cedar (otherwise known as my Mom) I am not the boyfriend. The boyfriend is a guy named Adam whom seems like a nice enough guy if he'd fix his handshake. No worries, you're not the last to know, I think you may have known before her mother!

At 1/9/05 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man. thank you emily for bringing this to my attention.

"...I think you may have known before her mother!"
oh Jae. So true. So amusingly true.


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