Thursday, February 16, 2006

Old posts, obituaries, and gaming.

I'm going home soon! And then to Europe!

First though, an excellent little comic here. He he he. The funny.

In other news, I'm tired. Andreas Katsulas died earlier this week. The world has lost again lost an amazing talent. G'Kar was the reason I fell in love with Babylon 5, after I saw my first episode ever on T.V. (Acts of Sacrifice, Season Two) with my Dad and he's the guy behind the makeup. He's still my favorite character on the show, the amazing space opera that it is. I recommend you seeing Babylon 5 if you like good things. It's chock full of political commentaries and intricate plots and intrigues. So good. So very full of good.

God help you if I ever play the Babylon 5 CCG game against you with my Narn deck. If you know the game, let's just say I took out the Grey Council Fleet with a Deep Space fleet.

Maria, Drew, Steve, and my brother all have faced it's wrath. Ha ha ha, with my brother I managed to declare war on the league of Non-Aligned Worlds with the Narn deck.

Anyways. Most of you don't care at all about the B5 CCG. I did however find an old website of mine. It somehow survived until now. Here's a post I put on it. It was under 'Rants'.

Rant3: The greatest parody of my life strangly involves a half-pound of bubble tape bubble gum, a person trying to take over the world with a toaster, a plastic fork, and 30 feet of rope, a play called Rosa! by J. Urvin, an Otaku who happens to be the third worst Jew in the world, midgets inside my radiator, eleven year old basketball court terrorizers, three pairs of old shoes, an angsty computer named Wedge, and four car accidents. There's a lot more but I don't want to list anymore. The weather has once again lulled us into a false sense of hope. Soon everything will be freezing again.

Why oh why are some people wierdness magnets? The strangest shit happens to them. Maybe its just luck but its freaky sometimes. It's scary to talk to them about things...because those things end up happening. I've never actually seen a flower pot get dropped on someones head until I was joking about it with them, and smash! not thirty feet away, someone gets creamed with a plastic pot. Apparently the two lovers in the windowsill weren't paying very much attention.

Which brings us back to the weather. Ah yes, spring fever is in the air. But come on everybody, other people don't want to see that shit too. Well, most other people don't want see it, we won't count the voyeurism. Some people even the Voyeurs don't want to see though, and guess what? Yep, they're the ones who like to show off that they are getting some. As if they have something to prove. it's freakish sometimes. So please for common curtesy, make the private intimate encounters private and intimate. And bite the pillow! You scream too loud, I can't sleep!

Fun times I think.


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