Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Rudy can Ski!

I'm watching a movie with a bald Bruce Campbell. I think he's dying of cancer or something. He's not the star though, no that's in fact Sean Astin. This movie is crazy. That's right. Of the Bat shit freakin' variety.

Did I mention Bruce Campbell's a terrorist? And that not only is the movie taking place on a ski resort, but it's hitting on every freaking cliche that I could possibly think of. The damn thing is named 'Icebreaker'.

Brucies name is 'Greg', his cronies names are Josh (the hipster techie cliche), Franz (the creepy looking blonde East German looking doctor/terrorist cliche), and there's Sandra, the British chick who's a mercenary who was brought in from Canada to help the terrorists get there stolen Plutonium out. Like I said, cliched to hell. And I didn't even mention the love story between Astin and Stacy Keach where he's the poor as dirt local ski patroller and she's the rich girl who's father doesn't approve...

Stupid ass one liners soaked up by Christian and I;
- "Hope you don't mind a little walk."
- "Will! There's some strange shit happening at the local ski resort!"
- "Go! Go like a man... Leave Me... Go!"
- "How did they get Louis out of Beck?", "No one really listens anymore...", "What?"
- "If it were dangerous would it be in a small plane?"
- "Why am I sensing a bad weather report?"

... and he's also a really really crappy shot.

- "He're's a tip, the next time someone hands you a gun while being chased by by machine gun wielding psychos... SHOOT THEM!", "Yeah, that's a good tip."
- "He're's what I need from you, peace and quiet, and then I'll be out of your hair before the die phase!"
- "Isn't that... stupid?", "No, it's suicide... but... she's all I got man."
- "Here? On my mountain? TERRORISTS?!?"
- "People get scared when you do that! They start jumping off! Like those... furry... things...", "...Lemmings?"

This Mr. Clay guy who runs the place is having a bad, bad day. And he's also kind of an idiot. The future father-in-law of Astin's is a dick too. I'm laughing way too hard to keep this up though. This is very much a Jae good movie. So worth the two bucks I paid for it.

This thing is just getting more and more ridiculous (read: awesome!) as it goes!

One last line though!
- "This is not a good place! I'm a park ranger not the lone ranger!"




At 2/5/07 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mister! When am I watching this movie?? It sounds hysterical!

At 3/5/07 12:09 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

Whenever you come and get it I suppose...


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