Wednesday, December 08, 2004

TBS = Ghostbusters?

When there's light at the end of the tunnel, doesn't that mean your dead? One more day, one more test, and then... I can be lazy again. I can do nothing but dote on my girlfriend, be social, and play video games. I could even go outside for something. A walk. Shopping. Because I can. Any sort of reason. That will be nice. But the light...

Or is it my vision that's created the tunnel and I'm just seeing my monitor this way.

Whatever, it's coma time! The song is oddly fitting for my state of being/mind this time around...

Bury Me - Guster


At 8/12/04 4:34 AM, Blogger Joko said...

Next time, just go out there and see what happens. Make it a point to getout of your abode and adventure in some unexpected way.


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