Sunday, May 15, 2005

This pay better be worth it.

I opened every day last week, and I thought it was pretty cool too. I met lots of interesting people, like Crazy guy (who's just insane), and Mr. Crazy (who's normal except that he names all of his bagels before he eats them), and opening is kinda fun with Maureen since she and I make fun of each other constantly.

Then I had my 'day off' and went to visit Jordan. Who lives in Simcoe county, and farmland. And what did I do there? Milk some cows, and do his younger sisters homework. Okay so the assignment was to make a movie, and we goofed off but I was tired and smelly by the time I got home.

And then today. Today has sucked. Okay this morning was good. I was actually really happy this morning. I was so looking forward to going to going to Katy's house (I'd been invited to dinner) and hanging out. But I had to close. And I'm not good at closing. Since this was my second time EVER doing so, I can forgive myself for now. But Fiona (my boss) wanted me to stay late to help her change the signs. Okay, I thought, I can do that. She had said we'd get out at around 6:30 as opposed to 5:30, and I got Maggie to get in touch with Katy to let her know I was going to be late. Cool, everything is all set.

Then Katy was sitting in the store waiting for me, and I realized exactly how much work Fiona had asked me to do. They hadn't changed the prices in two years, and now I was rewriting all of the chalk board hang ups. And my chalk handwriting isn't all that good so it took me a while. Oh, and I had to do that closing thing that I SUCK at too. So now I feel like an ass because Katy had waited patiently (that girl is a saint) before I told her what I'd figured out. I hate screwing up her plans. I was right though. I got out sometime after 9:00. I did get lots of bagels for her though. Damn it! I even have to get up early tomorrow to mop the floor before I open. And when I say early, I mean earlier then I usually do when I open. Which is 5:30am before one of you jerks says I should stop whining. I'm now getting up earlier then that and if you know me, you know that I hate morning. Which means, I'm going to try and go to bed now.

At least the middle of next week I have nothing to do but be a boyfriend. There, I'm officially looking forward to that. God it's not even 11:00!

Number Six Driver - Eddie From Ohio


At 10/6/05 3:43 AM, Blogger ricky said...

What a fun blog dude! you made me laugh!

At 11/6/05 2:26 AM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

Hey, if my sad, pathetic sort of life can make someone out there crack a smile then I'm all for it! Thanks for the post.


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