Sunday, November 12, 2006


There was apparently nothing wrong with me. I can't remember last night because I didn't DO anything last night. I was so tired that I just collapsed into bed and into sleep when I came home briefly to get my stuff for the Rugby party.

That explains why all the beer was here and not drunk.

Lessee. Today I did some reading, very little of it actually. Met Ben, Maggie, Becca, Alicia, Alex, and Sunita for food. Julia joined us for a bit later. We did some hanging out. Maggie continued her tradition of constant abuse of Jae while she was here. I think some of it got pent up since I haven't seen her in so long.

I also ate the largest god damn apple I've ever seen in my life. I saw it in Kensington and it was fate. The thing was actually over half the size of my head. It was just plain ginormous. Took me a good 15 minutes to eat the bloody thing, and when I was trying to start it I thought I'd have to unhinge my jaw to be able to just bite into it! It was too big and the curve wasn't sharp enough to allow for the teeth sinkage. But I ate the thing. It was tasty the way apples from the market should be.

Don't you just love genetic engineering? I do.

I also saw 3x07 of Battlestar Galactica with Ben and Alica at my place. Right before we reset the password on my modem, and tricked out Mara Jade some more. There was later Korean BBQ (I didn't do the all you can eat though) and then Trivial Pursuit which Maggie and I won. I know. I won at a non-Star Wars version of Trivial Pursuit. It took me a second as well.

I won the macsaber fight with Ben if anyone's keeping track. By virtue of, he doesn't have the application.

ALSO! In further updated news! If anyone was under the impression as I was that I'd have my phone again for this weekend sadly 'tis untrue. Another week they said. I called shenanigans after not having had a frakkin' phone for two weeks and didn't leave until I had confirmation of where exactly my phone was. I now have the store managers email address so I can harass him for updates on its status.

If I show up there again, and they don't have it ready, there will be pain brought unto whatever unlucky till monkey happens to be working then unlike any other pain that they had experienced up to that point in their lives short of childbirth.

Cause I can't really top that I'm told.

I'm rambling, time to say goodnight!


At 14/11/06 12:59 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

Well, I've left a couple phone messages for you. I guess this explains why you haven't gotten back to me yet....
They were mostly about CIV and one was about something I couldn't find an answer to. I just let it go though....except for it kind of concerned me that I had foreign military powers in my land guarding this stupid obelix thing and I couldn't get them out....and I didn't want to declare war on them because I wasn't ready yet for war on that large a scale.
Ok, enough of CIVIII

I got a cell phone *shock*
I'll pass on the number as soon as I know it. I'll also remember not to let anyone use it as a hammer; especially since it's not my phone and I have to return it to its rightful owner at the end of the school year.

At 15/11/06 4:06 AM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

OOOO! CIVIII! For the love of god give me something to geek out over! Ask ask ask ask please?

And as for the phone? Yeah, they don't make very good hammers, this I know from experience. Please do send me your number. Once I get mine back I'll actually call it!

I really don't like this essay.


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