Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Free hugs to all! And to all a good night!


Time flies when you're in the suck! Okay it's really really early out and I'm about to go to bed because I can't take anymore Latin American Politics tonight. I know. What a suprise huh?

However! Maria DID make my day by sending me this fantastic video of a fantastic guy!


Now that there is one ordinary guy making the world a better place. I now have a hug quota I must meet every day. That is my goal! I'll start with a low number. One. One hugged stranger a day sounds like a good target to start with. I can't get greedy now, and I won't have a sign so bear with me.

Election day in the States is also officially this afternoon so get your ass out there and vote! There is NO excuse unless you are HOSPITALIZED, hiding from those wishing to hospitalize you, or aren't a citizen of the U.S.A! So get out there!

In other news, the housemates and I made a pumpkin cheesecake last night. After it's obligatory time in the fridge it was sampled (I'll admit, hesitation was evident on my part) tonight. It was fantastic. Bit runny, but good nonetheless for our first try. So rich though. Only ate one piece and decided more would be absolute folly.

And I still can't figure out why David Gemmel is as good as he seems to be as a writer. His books so far have been consistantly well above decent. It's uncanny. I decided to read his first one 'Legend' and see if I can't do them in order now. To be fair, this one isn't as clean as the others I've read, but it's still good and it was his first book of the series/genre so I'm prepared to give him some leeway on this one. There's not even a map on the frontispiece (this is rare for a fantasy book and those with map in such a place usually herald their own demise)!

My thoughts are REALLY disjointed in this post. I need to do it more often, I'm out of practice... or something.


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