Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Oh god has it really been a week? Sorry guys I've been battling some kind of Martian Death Plague. Don't really know what it is, only that I'm freakin' wiped out all the time. Then of course, I can't fall asleep at night which compounds the issue. I got sick of lying in bed waiting to do just that so I decided to post since it's been a week!

Of course, being sick means there's not so much news at all to tell. I've had work, rehearsals, a public hearing on proposed new licensing regulations (bureaucracy sure is fucking boring, especially when all you want to do is take your turn on record and get the hell out because your temples after twenty three years of getting along just fine on opposite sides of your head have decided they want to meet one another at last. And of course that one woman who is there to complain, not to offer advice, voice a concern, or even criticize but to just whine a lot is right before you in line...) and went to Your Move Games prerelease for UFS (which I won... w00t).

That's about it really. Too tired to move much more, so I'm going to end this post here. I want to talk a bit about some of the programming we're trying to get done at camp, but I'll do that later. Big meeting to discuss just this very thing in the morning in fact. But goodnight!

Shut the fuck up you damn bird I'm trying to sleep!

PS: If you're up for something odd, try googling 'Martian Death Plague'. Some very suprising results, at least to me.


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