Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Oh she locked it!

There's only so much I can't care about the Union Nationale in Quebec. On the plus side, in lectures we're entering WWI so it's not all about the labor disputes. Woot! Oh, and I can't take much more of this bug, it's suprisingly difficult to write 3,000 words on the subject of the Emerald Ashborer.

Okay this is just my break before I go back to typing so I'm going to keep it short. I've been thinking about the whole summer job thing that I'm going to have to do if I want to 1: have a place to sleep, and 2: have food to eat. It's slowly starting to look like Fort York may not be the most viable option. Though it would be one sweet job. Yes I know, I'm nuts, but it sounds like so much fun!

I went in to visit the working stiffs at Starbucks and Chapters today, and found them both in the same place! Katy was about to go on her break and was at the counter at everyones favorite coffee megacorporation, being served by non other then Nicole, everyones favorite megacorporations employee! She was also about to go on break which was nice because we got to chat for a bit before she had get behind the counter again. Oh, I should also mention that I made Maria's day even sweeter today by tracking down Zebraman on dvd for rent. She actually pranced up and down the hallway giggling. I kid ye not. If there's any one sight one should see before they go, it's a grown woman giggling and prancing in a hallway because they're so happy.

Alright, enough time wasting Jae, back to the grindstone.

Aneurysm - Nirvana


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