Monday, July 03, 2006

It's too late for the pebbles to vote.

Alicia is standing over me to make sure I blog. Yep.

To quote, "Spend less time threatening and more time blogging!"


So. I joined the ranks of those souls eternally damned today. It was horrible.

Bought a cell phone.

"No wait don't you have to work? You shouldn't be blogging you should be sleeping!".

Yeesh, women can be a fickle lot can't they (she's now hitting me).

So yes. Cell phone. Bleh. And back to work. Bleh bleh. Double Bleh if you will. But! In six minutes from this moment it will be Independence Day. So you know, let's all go revolt from Bush or something.


Oooo! Shiny! An email from Maria!


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