Friday, September 01, 2006

Stick a fork in them, they're cliched

Just so you know, I'm really not trying to make it a habit of posting at this godawful hour of the morning. Fluke.

Also it's when I'm most assured of getting access to the internet capable PC here at the home for longer then four consecutive minutes.

However, I'm tired. So no pictures this time.

BUT! I did go to the Sox/Jays game at Fenway due to tickets my Stepfather received for his birthday, and Joe, this ones for you buddy;

Thank you Alex Rios!

So the Sox losing streak is at an end thankfully. Onwards to other news now.

So most of you don't know that Boston Cannons lost in their semi-final game last weekend against the Philadelphia Barrage. One of you, that being Maria, might actually know that the San Fransisco Dragons lost to the Denver Outlaws just before the Cannons game (I was rooting for them for you Maria, even if you weren't!) but that would have more to do with her love of Bay Area sports in general as opposed to any love for Major League Lacrosse. Anyways Philly went on to lay a spanking on the outlaws to win it all. I'd hate them, but I'm busy despising New York.

Hey is anyone up for a Fantasy Football League or something?

So I'm in Massachusetts, I was in Arizona, and I'll be back in Ontario in a couple on the 11thish. <-- does that work?

To the bed for now. Later I'll fill in links, and a new post shall materialized with pictures, and even more links. For today I have to help my brother move in to his new place. I leave Toronto, where I moved/am moving twice in as many months, to come home relax and... move.

I need a hug!


At 1/9/06 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no rest or relaxation for you.

At 1/9/06 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No rest or relaxation for you.

At 4/9/06 4:44 AM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

w00t! I got hugs! And in multitude!

And two posts from Becky as well!


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