Friday, August 04, 2006

World War III, or just the regular old hell?

Seems like images like these are the only things I see these days.

"All that running around and shooting at one another. You'd think it would go out of style."
-Londo Mollari

"I believe that the sectarian violence is probably as bad as I’ve seen it, in Baghdad in particular, and that if not stopped, it is possible that Iraq could move towards civil war."
-Gen. John P. Abizaid, commander of American forces in the Middle East.


Hey look! The town of my birth in the news! Crap!

The news has been awfully depressing of late. We have active warzones in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Israel/Lebanon/Gaza. Is North Korea still being belligerant? Has the Sudan stopped murdering itself and screwing up Chad? I'm too depressed to go find out.

So what now Dick, how would you spin a Civil War? Are you going to tell us that it's all been worth it, U.S. Soldiers have been dying for the right reasons, if what they're supposedly there trying to prevent happens anyways? Well this is FUBAR isn't it...

Interesting bit of local news (for me, local meaning Toronto. See? Isn't it pretty?) is that an American Army Deserter who fought in Iraq has decided to return home, turn himself in, and face charges. He's been in T.O. for two years and is married now, but says the time is right to bring his story out. Apparently he left over misgivings about orders given and what he may in the future do... well here, you can read it yourself.

Good on the Dems for blocking a lowered estate tax, at least there's some kind of 'opposition' in the government these days. Grah.

On the Canuck side of the coin...

A very bad day in Afghanistan yesterday, and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better. Especially since this happened today. Princess Pat's Light Infantry must feel like sitting ducks in Khandahar. The Brits aren't having any fun either.

The Chicoutimi is apparently still down mostly because of beaurocratic B.S. and waffling, I'm not suprised but it's still aggravating that a Rear Admiral has to retire before he can say anything admonishing. We spent how much on them? Why can't we just pay the extra, and get the frakkin' thing seaworthy already!?! It's a disgusting waste of money in drydock which also means they can't patrol both coasts, or a military asset in the water and on patrol. Now which one scenario better there?

In other things, this interesting bit of news came to my attention. I'm sort of hoping that a Californian will send a letter to this guy with some alternative ideas for putting the money to better use. Like I dunno, the International Red Cross or something. Maria? Or if you're gone already, one of the other 'M's'?

What else... well New Zealand has an interesting idea about how to handle drunks at bars, this is the only good news story I've heard in a while coming out of the Middle East, I found this to be a good idea and a progressive move for the world, and according to Tycho Brahe of Penny-Arcade; "You basically need to watch this now."

I'm out to do something less depressing. Maybe go to Oakville. Well... um... it's for a party but yes I realize I just said that Oakville wasn't depressing. Let's hope?


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