Sunday, November 12, 2006

Doesn't everyone have happy dances?

"So there’s a new balance of power down in the States and the South Dakota abortion ban was voted out of law (pretty disappointing about all that anti-gay-marriage legislation, though) and Rumsfeld resigned, and I got to see my roommates’ and Jae’s various Rumsfeld-resigning-happy-dances when I told them the news."

This is from Alicia's blog, and yes I am proud to say that there was in fact a Rumsfeld resigned victory dance done in her apartment upon my hearing the news. Heh.


At 15/11/06 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

completely random but I just figured out I go to school with one of the web comic artists you like. the sorcery 101 person. I saw one of his projects in the hall.

At 17/11/06 3:48 PM, Blogger Jaecyn said...

You go to school with Kel McDonald? Cool! If by some random unlikely happenstance you happen to bump into him, give him a thumbs up for me.

Damn small world we got ourselves here.

At 20/11/06 8:18 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

I just called your phone and judging by the weird message from Rogers, I'm guessing it's still out of commission.
Anyway, I have a HUGE favour to ask you. Would it be possible for me to borrow your tv, vcr/living room for a couple hours sometime this week?
Please, Pretty Please. It's for Smyth if that helps with the plea at all...and the tape also belongs to him. So by letting me watch this movie at your place, you'd be in the presence of something possessed by a brilliant and awesome man.

I also have my new cell number. It's posted on facebook


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