Monday, September 04, 2006

pwning n00bs!

Don't know why I didn't think of this before but I discovered that my home PC is broadcasting WiFi a couple of days ago.

Words can not describe the moment of pure joy I experienced.

The one oddity is that my basement room here gets the best reception for some strange reason (the computer is on the second floor of the house) but there's a couch and privacy down there so it's all good.

Needless to say the DS has been getting a workout. Especially since during the day I'm stuck here a lot and the computer is occupied. It also probably might be because I picked up Starfox Command and Tetris DS (both WiFi games) as well as Trauma Center:Under the Knife, and that two of my friends here, Craig and Steve, as well as my stepfather Chip all have DS's. Craig even imported the Bleach Fighting game that I played and somehow managed to not come in last in. Even after I figured out how to turn off the handicap that I didn't know I had going for me.

I don't know if many people know this, but I have the language settings on my DS set to French. I only mention this because Tetris actually recognized this and on it's own volition switched to using French instead of English like every other game I own. Even during local download play, it was able to send it's info and handle whatever language the other DS was using. It's not even a kind of Canadian dual language thing either as this one was bought here in Massachusetts and I tested it with Chip's with his set on Spanish. I think it's brilliant and I actually sort of appreciate it, more so after playing that Bleach game and not understanding what the hell was going on for all the Kanji. It would be nice to see more games, especially the WiFi capable ones be multilingual capable like Tetris.

As a side note, Chip capitulated in the most recent showdown the two of us had (a very closely contested and brutal match in Advanced Wars Dual Strike) so I claim bragging rights over him for the time being. w00t.


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