Saturday, October 30, 2010

We live in hard times, not end times.

Jon Stewart, during the rally to restore sanity and/or fear.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Eggs and bacon make mornings better.

I learned a new term this morning. Before seeing that the diner I was in had won the award for best 'Greasy Spoon' in Toronto, I had never heard the term used to describe a restaurant. If I'd heard the phrase uttered in conversation I would have assumed the parties were talking about an actual spoon covered in grease. Who knew it was a catagory that an establishment could or even would take pride in being the best at?

So I still can't get to sleep before my opening shifts. You'd think getting up at 4am would mean my body would crave every second of precious slumber it could eek out of a night, but no. For the fourth week or so straight I've been unable to get myself to sleep at all... which has sucked.

So at around 3:00am I decided that instead of lying there for yet another hour wallowing in the futility of my quest, I would get up and get myself a decent breakfast. Decent being relative I suppose. Shreddies were on sale at Loblaws, and I've got some tasty looking pears I could have eaten with my juice this morning but I wanted something hot. Greasy spoon is not a misnomer it turns out. Two eggs over-easy, piles of bacon and homefries, two buttered pieces of toast and three (maybe four?) cups of coffee later and I was feeling much better about the prospect of the coming morning.

Greasy morning bacon. YES. Thank you 24 hour diners of the world. More specifically Vesta Lunch. Why you're called Vesta Lunch I won't pretend to understand, but hey. You've been reputable since 1955. And felt the need to put that on your sign... oh dear.

Geek - MC Chris

Friday, October 08, 2010

Zippity Do Da

It's 7:00am, and other than muffled radio, constant electronic humming and masseuse walking around barefoot... I'm kind of bored.

Of course as soon as I finished typing that out 9 people came through the door. Such is life I suppose. I hesitate to invoke Murphy's Law here however. I'm not sure being un-bored for thirty seconds is a state of 'wrong'. Is un-bored even a word? Where the hell is my mind going to right now anyways?

Enough ramblings Jae! Do something constructive!

Good news though! A member just gave me breakfast. Fried egg sandwich with a touch of hot sauce... my day's lookin' up folks! Wheeeee! Free food!

Nothing, but Unrest in the House of Light is running through my head though... does that count?

Monday, October 04, 2010

So I need to get online more?

Well that's entirely true. I've been basically gone for so long I'd almost forgotten my login info. I suppose that's just me in Massachusetts though, mostly always doing something else that isn't posting or being online in general. Now though, working a desk I suppose I'll have moments like these where I'm simply waiting for something to happen and I can post. Not likely at 7:00 on a Monday morning.

Of course, now that I've said that something should be about to explode and go horribly wrong...

And just to clarify, that wasn't fanfic, that was a character's backstory that my brother had me write up for his campaign.

CHUM 104.5 - Of course it's too loud in here for me to hear the actual song, but that's the station it's on.