Thursday, April 28, 2005

Peel Pub!

Yesterday was...interesting. The 'training day' went pretty well, I didn't make a fool of myself or anything, all I had to really do was prove I was competant enough to do the job. And to be honest the job itself isn't that hard. Running a bagle bar is as simple as it seems. The odd suff comes when you have to constantly be flipping the stuff in the bar. And the salads. All four of them. So odd.

I followed this guy Vincent around to watch what he did. Then around 5:00pm he let me take over. And then he never really took back control. Which meant I did a lot of the work. He did have to show me how to clean the store though. That's right folks, it's tricky to mop the floor. Yeah. No.

I got paid in bagles! And I'm now 80%-90% likely to actually even have this job. So odd!

Oh well. I didn't cut myself.

The title of this post exists because we went to the Peel at arounds 10:00pm yesterday night. Ed was surly again, was in a bad mood or something, I didn't have much except for a few of the free wings Katy got, and even Brian and Nicole came by visit after Brian got off work (about three stores down... or about 8 stores down, close anyways). Okay, the rest of the day calls. I'm up way to early for me. Ewwww...

With My Own Two Hands - Ben Harper

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Okay folks:

I've got to run and get my laundry soon. But so far everything is set for me to not get fired on my first day. I woke up with enough time to be coherant and useful mentally, I ate a healthy mostly complete breakfast of cornflakes, orange juice, and an apple, I've listened to the news to be caught up on the latest in world catastophe's (go AirBus?), the sports networks for the local hooplah and gossip on any thing a local sports fan might care about, oh and it's also been confirmed that I get to go to a show this Friday in Niagra-on-the-lake with Katy and family. I don't know what show it is but that's okay right? Anyways, so to the dryers we go!

I'm Free - The Who's Tommy

I can't sleep.

I can't go to sleep. Why I'm so nervous for this job tomorrow I don't know. Okay, milk, sleepytime herbal tea, and soothing music it is. Or maybe I'll just read through my zoology notes. They're incredably boring!

Katy on the off chance you read this before your final, good luck!

Fa Fa - Guster

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Wait, what did I just do?

I have no memory whatsoever of the last two hours. Maybe more...I can't tell! I suddenly found myself standing in the middle of the living room staring blankly at the wall. Did I fall asleep standing up? What the hell? I have no idea how the hell it's 3:07am...

All I remember is sitting on the futon, thinking, "this movie looks interesting"... it was called Subliminal Seduction I think (it took a while to remember that). Then poof! No longer am I staring at the idiot box hoping the 'Space' channel's (it's the Canadian version of SciFi) b-list late night movie will put me to sleep like a baby. Instead I'm standing behind the bloody futon, wondering why the hell my knee hurts and when did the movie end?

I'm man enough to say. That was a wee bit on the frightening as all hell side. I don't think I've ever sleepwalked or anything before. And I don't feel like I've gotten any rest either... Que-ce que f$*%!?!

If I did anything to anyone I'm sorry (my shoes hadn't moved though, and my socks were dry...) but where the hell did two hours go! How did I move! That movie is evil! Evil I say. Subliminal Seduction, I'm never watching it again that's for damn sure! Okay, I need sleep now. I think I'll check my bank account before I go to sleep though. Damn this is creepy.

Kokomo - The Beach Boys

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Katy and Jae's muffin and cupcake adventure!

So Katy just made muffins and cupcakes for her fellow employees. Apparently a group of them sat around thinking that it would be great to have muffins... and Katy decided she'd make some. The first batch were chocolate chip chocolate muffins with marshmallows in them and on them. They tasted pretty good, but suprisingly not all that chocolatey, and while I for one like a marshmallow that's been toasted a little brown, Katy wasn't too happy about them bloating up and melting all over the place on her muffins. I think they're good.

So she decided to do a second batch and this time to do cupcakes. A quick google search yielded up a new recipe and away we go! Wait... no eggs... baking soda... and vinegar!?! Yes vinegar. With baking soda... to quote Katy "that means, volcano." (with cute face and hand motions and everything!). It's a science project AND it's delicious! Now the new ones are baking! Woohoo!

:Time elapse of five or twenty minutes... we added the marshmallows later this time:

And we just talked about spellchecking blogs. Because Craig obviously doesn't! And he can't throw things at me or even shake a fist violently in my direction cause he's in Japan! Well, I guess someone could point out 'east' and he could shake his fist but I'm hedging my bets on two things, a: he won't read this, and b: he won't care all that much even if he does!

The marshmallows we added did nothing but melt and make craters in the tops of the cupcakes, so we filled the gooey craters with more marshmallows! I wanted to color coordinate the dead ones with the reinforcements but Katy didn't care. Enh.

Well this blog is now rambling on and on and I didn't even talk about how I might finally be employed... twice over! Huzzah! And I even had to talk my way into that one manager giving me the job during the interview. Well, maybe she'll call me tomorrow and shoot me down but for now I shall revel in my blissful ignorance. Oh the revelling I have done! I went and bought groceries to celebrate! Yeah! And the peasants rejoice!

Time for bed, goodnight!

The silence of the city is astounding...not even a car horn or a siren. It's just that gross outside.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Am I over-reacting?

The people who oppose your ideas are inevitably those who represent the established order that your ideas will upset.
-Anthony D'angelo

Wait, so it's a problem to critique an idea? So the naysayers of Hitler's regime were just whining about 'upsetting the established order'? I have no idea why I'm so mad at having read that. Oh wait because maybe it's an incredibly short sighted and naive thing to say! Constructive criticism! Maybe it's just a BAD IDEA!

Back to work Jae!

I Spy - Guster

If life were serialized

Will the puking of resumes finally pay off? What will Joe do with the movies? Can Keith throw a baseball 15 feet farther then Josh? Will Katy finally have a day at Chapters without dealing with the crazies? Not to mention Sunita's brother! To find out, tune in tomorrow for another exciting anti-climactic episode of "It's HELL this life!"

Polly - Nirvana

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A mission from God?

Just to let you know how my day is going? I can't find my shoe. I have the left one on and tied already, but I've been stumping around looking for my other one. Would someone horribly attack me already so I can claim emotional distress? Where the ____ is that thing? I'm typing this to calm myself down.

Have you ever heard a one shoed man look desperately for the other shoe?

Would you rather...

I think today is going to be long. Very long. I mean I'm awake at 8:40 eating breakfast!?! Yuck! And I get to go through it all knowing that I just have to do it again tommorow. Whoopeedoo. Katy though is the coolest person ever. Because she called to make sure I was up. I was. JOY!

To Sunita and the girls: You suck. DAMNNIT I just LOST while typing this. Curse my fate! Literally just then. I'll remember this 'abandoning' of you guys when I have a FINAL in my least favorite part of the day, on one of the multitude of days that don't see you where the parties at in the near future. Grrrr... having fun without me! Jealous... so... jealous... OH HOW THE RAGE OF JEALOUSY IS AT HAND!!!

I'm going to have to explain that comment about the rickshaw eventually aren't I? time to go...

Just being blinded by the silence of 1,000 broken hearts.

Monday, April 18, 2005

sniffle sniffle

First test Tomorrow morning... AHHHH! Pardon me while I go tear my hair from my head. And to think, someone out there is having a GOOD time.

Tessie - Dropkick Murphys

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Long days

At least the weather's nice. Too bad I can't really enjoy it, but such is the life of a college student I suppose. Well, lets see. What to report? Not much unfortunately. The Great Job Hunt goes not nearly as well as I'd hoped, though their are still plenty of chances out there. And now I get to spend a good chunk of my monday in a class or trying to get my passport worked out. Woo hoo! I'm so happy! In that I would love to just crawl into bed. But I'll read instead. Because Rome fell and people like to talk about it. Well at least katy will get out of work soon and I'll get to talk to her for a bit before, you guessed it! Back to work!

How Did We Get From Saying I Love You... - Great Big Sea

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Crouching Tiger This!

Things are going, well, well I suppose. It's been a nice week, and I've even managed to get some studying done. Mostly though it's been good to hang out with people again. Okay, Joe is here to play catch with my new mitt so I'm gonna go have fun in the sun. It's actually warm enough out to be outside. Woot woot! Adam stayed longer he loved Toronto so much too, ha ha ha!

It's been good to see Katy again too.

What I Like About You - The Ramones

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

GURPS has invaded my apartment.

I've been so incredably lax in typing theses. Well, now I should have some free time. Adam was here, Baseball happened, and Jays fans, your team won't win this year. So shut up. There are a disgusting amount of comic and gaming books lying around my apartment right now. It's actually kind of scary.

Hotel Calafornia - Eagles


Do not 'thump' the book of G'Quan, it shows great disrespect...

Consequence Free - Great Big Sea

Sunday, April 03, 2005


So the weather reports say it's raining. Well, it's not. It's snowing, it's windy and my Mom's here. Doesn't she just have all the luck? She picked probably the worst weekend we've had in two months. Such is life though, but we've got to head out if we're going to go get Indian food for lunch. Curry time!

Just For Me - Blues Traveler