Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Stupid name but I want one SO BAD

I just got a look at my blog as seen from Safari...

What the HELL!?! It looks oh so very strange there. Where'd the header go! And the footer! Huh?

Also, if anyone anywhere ever had any doubts about what I might want for Christmas I wrote a small poem. In Haiku form;

It haunts fevered dreams;
Hyrule! Zelda needs my help!
Please Santa, a Wii?

Onto my phone situation as it's now 'later.' I do indeed have it back and all is getting better as I close out my essays and move on to studying for tests. Of course, if I had your phone number before, I don't anymore since everything on my phone was erased. So! Give me a call! Or just send me your phone number a different way. That's cool too.

See? There it is all put together again. It's much nicer looking when it's not in two pieces! Please call?

Tune In - 311

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Hostage Phone Crisis '06

I did say I would post again so here it is. In the end I did get my onion bagel at Tim Horton's. Alas, they have no chive cream cheese so I had to opt for herb & garlic. Which wasn't so bad as an alternative really.

I haven't been posting much recently as was pointed out to me recently. There's a few reasons for this. The main one really being that I've been really busy with school. Lots of the papers and tests and whatnot. It's been a hard year back. Much harder than I thought it was going to be after the year off. Skills are definitely rusty. I'm doing much better now, and the winter semester will be a hell of a lot smoother for me but this early one was rough.

There I am now though. I've had me a bit of rest but I still have work to do. Fun fun.

The other reason I haven't posted in a while has to do with my phone. I still don't have one. It's absurd actually. Even thinking about it for a while just made me angry so I just didn't.

The stories short version runs as follows; I brought my phone into where I'd purchased it with my warrantee that I'd also purchased when I bought my phone. Nifty neh? So they guy takes it in, sets it up and says yep, cool this will work fine. They had a Purolater package going to the repair place leaving that night and he promised me it would go out. Should take a week or two. After a lot of bullshit and being told one thing or another I made it quite clear after three weeks that I would not accept 'come back next week' as an answer.

Enter me last Friday spending about four hours in the damn store not being happy. We've now topped a month. I had the regional manager in the store just to handle my case (the store clerks see me coming and scurry away in fear desperately looking for something to do so they don't have to deal with me). The very first person a month ago who took my phone in, screwed up. He shouldn't even have sent it away it turns out, not with the warrantee that I'd purchased. I should have just walked out of there with a shiny new phone right then and there. The kicker? The dude doesn't even work for the company anymore so I can't vent rage at the person responsible for getting my case stuck in a never ending loop of bureaucratic red-tape of doom. The manager guy was cool enough to give me a line over to the repair shop and let me yell at them since the store can't do anything without the damn thing and they're still holding it for 'appraisal'. I calmly explained (so I wasn't calm, but whatever) that the company trying to save a buck had now prevented me from having my phone for a full month, and that they needed to do something about it immediately.

It was a frustrating day. I leap back into the fray Monday, at noon, so if you're interested in ringside seats come on down. The Source, Eaton Centre, Toronto. I'm not leaving there without a phone. It has now been promised to me by several levels of management and I'm thinking of researching the legal areas as to when I'm entitled to my pound of flesh in compensation.

I freaking month of me walking down there to be told nothing useful. The Rage. Oh, the Rage.

That's where that stands now. Had an okay Thanksgiving. Dead bird was eaten, cranberry sauce in can shape was observed, and I got a nifty package from home with gravy mix, stuffing, and corn muffin ingredients to go with the thanksgiving themed napkin and muffin holders. Huzzah!

I want my phone back.

October - Captain Tractor

The power of hunger compels you!

Hello! I want a bagel! So I'm going to go get one! I'm thinking onion, with chive cream cheese if they have it. I'll update later to let you know what I ended up settling for. That's about all I can do. I keep being called a pervert too... but there's actually no real reason for it that I can figure out. I'm not doing anything perverted. I think I'm just being teased or something. Interesting, and annoying.

Pandora is ferawesome by the way. Props to Alicia for telling me about it!

And I was just made to lose again this morning. That's like three times.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

: (

Revs lost, again. Frakkin' hell. Three championships in five years and we haven't won yet. It's like we're the bills or something. And that hurts the soul. I'm really tired now though. Had fallen asleep, woke up for I don't know why. This is after of course after I had a funtime visit! Knock on my window and everything. Went and got pizza. So much Garlic. Damn.


I'm going to sleep.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Doesn't everyone have happy dances?

"So there’s a new balance of power down in the States and the South Dakota abortion ban was voted out of law (pretty disappointing about all that anti-gay-marriage legislation, though) and Rumsfeld resigned, and I got to see my roommates’ and Jae’s various Rumsfeld-resigning-happy-dances when I told them the news."

This is from Alicia's blog, and yes I am proud to say that there was in fact a Rumsfeld resigned victory dance done in her apartment upon my hearing the news. Heh.


There was apparently nothing wrong with me. I can't remember last night because I didn't DO anything last night. I was so tired that I just collapsed into bed and into sleep when I came home briefly to get my stuff for the Rugby party.

That explains why all the beer was here and not drunk.

Lessee. Today I did some reading, very little of it actually. Met Ben, Maggie, Becca, Alicia, Alex, and Sunita for food. Julia joined us for a bit later. We did some hanging out. Maggie continued her tradition of constant abuse of Jae while she was here. I think some of it got pent up since I haven't seen her in so long.

I also ate the largest god damn apple I've ever seen in my life. I saw it in Kensington and it was fate. The thing was actually over half the size of my head. It was just plain ginormous. Took me a good 15 minutes to eat the bloody thing, and when I was trying to start it I thought I'd have to unhinge my jaw to be able to just bite into it! It was too big and the curve wasn't sharp enough to allow for the teeth sinkage. But I ate the thing. It was tasty the way apples from the market should be.

Don't you just love genetic engineering? I do.

I also saw 3x07 of Battlestar Galactica with Ben and Alica at my place. Right before we reset the password on my modem, and tricked out Mara Jade some more. There was later Korean BBQ (I didn't do the all you can eat though) and then Trivial Pursuit which Maggie and I won. I know. I won at a non-Star Wars version of Trivial Pursuit. It took me a second as well.

I won the macsaber fight with Ben if anyone's keeping track. By virtue of, he doesn't have the application.

ALSO! In further updated news! If anyone was under the impression as I was that I'd have my phone again for this weekend sadly 'tis untrue. Another week they said. I called shenanigans after not having had a frakkin' phone for two weeks and didn't leave until I had confirmation of where exactly my phone was. I now have the store managers email address so I can harass him for updates on its status.

If I show up there again, and they don't have it ready, there will be pain brought unto whatever unlucky till monkey happens to be working then unlike any other pain that they had experienced up to that point in their lives short of childbirth.

Cause I can't really top that I'm told.

I'm rambling, time to say goodnight!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

How the hell did I get here?

Can someone tell me how I got home?

I also think I dreamt most of last night.

I just woke up extremely disoriented at 1:59. I was home, in bed, lights on with my shoes.

I think I was more tired than I thought I was.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

j00 r teh su1<

Midterm elections and a December to make mothers weep for unborn babes. Oh yeah. I missed school.

Did I mention Saddams being hanged? You probably knew that though. He'll meet ropes end for that one me buckos.

I hate one class and one professor, too bad they couldn't be one and the same.


Also, today's poetry class has reaffirmed my membership in the I really dislike Sylvia Plath as a poet club. I got to listen to her do a reading of her poem 'Daddy' on tape.

Well then, once more into the breach my friends;
Class is about to start so I'm going away now.

Free hugs to all! And to all a good night!


Time flies when you're in the suck! Okay it's really really early out and I'm about to go to bed because I can't take anymore Latin American Politics tonight. I know. What a suprise huh?

However! Maria DID make my day by sending me this fantastic video of a fantastic guy!


Now that there is one ordinary guy making the world a better place. I now have a hug quota I must meet every day. That is my goal! I'll start with a low number. One. One hugged stranger a day sounds like a good target to start with. I can't get greedy now, and I won't have a sign so bear with me.

Election day in the States is also officially this afternoon so get your ass out there and vote! There is NO excuse unless you are HOSPITALIZED, hiding from those wishing to hospitalize you, or aren't a citizen of the U.S.A! So get out there!

In other news, the housemates and I made a pumpkin cheesecake last night. After it's obligatory time in the fridge it was sampled (I'll admit, hesitation was evident on my part) tonight. It was fantastic. Bit runny, but good nonetheless for our first try. So rich though. Only ate one piece and decided more would be absolute folly.

And I still can't figure out why David Gemmel is as good as he seems to be as a writer. His books so far have been consistantly well above decent. It's uncanny. I decided to read his first one 'Legend' and see if I can't do them in order now. To be fair, this one isn't as clean as the others I've read, but it's still good and it was his first book of the series/genre so I'm prepared to give him some leeway on this one. There's not even a map on the frontispiece (this is rare for a fantasy book and those with map in such a place usually herald their own demise)!

My thoughts are REALLY disjointed in this post. I need to do it more often, I'm out of practice... or something.