Saturday, December 24, 2005

It's go time!

Merry Christmas and Happy (C)Han(n)a(u)k(k)(ch)a everybody! Happy Kwanza too while we're at it!

New additions! Woo!

God I love that my brother works at Romano's Macaroni Grill. So damn good. SO DAMN GOOD. Just so freakin' tasty. Delicious. Absofreakinlutely awesome.

And now that we've tuned into NORAD's website and seen we're Santa is, it's time to go hit the sack and wake up tomorrow for the orgy that is gift giving. And by that I mean we do it one at a time, in order, while oohing and aahing other peoples gifts.

It's a good thing I like things.


Story One

Story Two

Story Three

People suck. Or at least one person does.

What happened you coward!?! Couldn't face them down, get a little jealous or something? Grow a spine and turn yourself in you scumbucket. Shit's too good a term for you.

If anyone not from wakefield are wondering why I care so much when this shit's in the news everyday, if you read the articles you'll see they went to my high school.

Tis the season for it.

Okay, everyone please think thoughts about good things happening for Jae. Because that would be nice of you and I could use some really good things happening to or for me over my brief little foray into vacationland. Cross your fingers, pray, sacrifice to your demonic overlord, I don't care just you know, good thoughts. I'll return the favour I promise.

New addition to the 'Loot List' too so you know. I'm even wearing the shirt I got at their concert too. Sweet serendipity it was.

My brand spankin' new CD (see the list)

PS: I just looked up and realized I spelled 'favo(u)r' using the Queen's English in the paragraph above. I typed it out without thinking about it at all. The 'u' just showed up. Does that mean I've lived in Toronto too long? Something to ponder over I suppose.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Happy Holidays Mr. DeLay!

Alrighty, as per my families X-mas tradition of opening gifts early, we've done so.
Here's what I've got so far. Maybe this will get some of you pumped full of the holiday spirit, or just annoy you that I have new things already. Whichever, I don't care, I'm sharing anyways.

I'll just keep updating on this one post and let you know when it's changed. These are in no particular order whatsoever either.

x1 DvD - The Sting
x1 DvD - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
x1 pair jeans
x1 T-shirt (glow in the dark/the mummy's tomb)
x1 Common Sense by Thomas Paine
x1 One button-down collar shirt
x1 Pair of khaki like pants
x1 Native American made blanket named 'Polio' (NOT smallpox 'cause that's just mean)
x1 365 Tear away calander each page a paper airplane.
x1 The Ferret Chronicles, Rescue Ferrets at Sea - Richard Bach

x1 The Warrior's Code - The Dropkick Murphy's
x1 A Crock Pot!
x1 A magnetic playing card mat w/chips and metallized cards (they're hefty, you could kill a man with the whole deck)
x1 A mug with a removable section to add your own drawn pictures to it.

Key: Black is old, Green is the previous new thing, and Red is the newest.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Chicken Burrito of JOY!

Well I made it home just fine as made obvious by this post. Greyhound sort of screwed me over a bit by keeping me on the bus for a good chunk of time longer than I expected to be. Which in turn did not please my mother who got to wait at the other end fro the same length of time to pick me up. But all in all it was okay. I had to miss the Regent Park party which kind of sucks (it was a pot luck, it was going to be DELICIOUS) but I did make it home in time for Adam's birthday which was cool.

Oh yeah, and I'm getting up at unfathomably early times again.

I did get one day where I was allowed to basically sleep until I wanted to not sleep anymore, and the horrible time I'm awake this morning is actually 8:30 something-or-other, but still...

Okay so it's still not 3:40AM and I don't have to go to work. w00t!

So far this is a pretty good trip home, already gotten some serious hanging out done, suprised myself by beating Courtney at Scene-It Trivia Disney version, played my third game of Star Wars mini's ever (lost but my boys did their thing and Craig can't roll initiative to save his life, literally in that game's terms), and got to eat from Three Amigos within an hour of getting off the bus. To borrow an expression from Emily (not the blood relation Emily);

"Boo-ya kasha mother #%$&@#!"

Or something like that anyways.

The vast majority of the people who read this happen to reside in/around the G.T.A. (that's Greater Toronto Area for those few of you who don't). And many have you have possibly heard me comment on the fact that there is basically no really good Mexican cuisine to be found. Taco Bell isn't Mexican (though it is frakkin' amazing stuff), and every now and then you can find a decent taco (decent being just good enough to pass as such) in places such as the taco hut on Bloor in the Annex... can't exactly remember the name but I've only been there once.

When I say I got to eat at Three Amigos, I mean I got better Mexican/Central American food then I've ever eaten in Mexico/Central America. I'm basing this solely off of which place I trust to never give me Hepatitus of some sort when I eat there. The place is good. DAMN good. Good enough that when my brother and I introduced it to our friends they've kept going back consistantly for FOUR years. Good enough for me to forever capitalize the food I eat there as a proper noun. To quote Steve the first time he had a Taco there;

Matt: "So Steve, how's that Taco?"
Steve looking up from devouring:
"That's a BITCHIN' Taco!"
Resume devouring.

And the Chicken Burrito I ate when there a few days ago? Bitchin' describes it well indeed. So damn good.

Anyways, I'm awake my sister's bene dropped off at school, and now my Mom and I are going to go buy groceries (she's gotten used to not having both of her 6'+ sons in the house at the same time, food runs out a LOT faster, especially milk, as anyone who's ever known me can attest).

Gotta go!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

William Jennings Bryan


Partay (okay work related social gathering more so). Just got in. Oh yeah. Long walk. Going to bed.

Oh and Grey Hound's scheduling SUCKS.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

"It does not take sharp eyes to see the sun and the moon, nor does it take sharp ears to hear the thunderclap. Wisdom is not obvious. You must see the subtle and notice the hidden to be victorious."

Sun Tzu

You grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself.

Ethel Barrymore

stupid internet explorer

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Why is it broken!?!


Must make it not look crappy!

Back to work.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I have GOT to get better at posting!

Some things: Christmas shopping is almost done for everybody, just a few more small things to get. And by a few I mean 3, and I already know what they are and where so it's gonna be pretty easy. We finally got the rat that was at the school. And it was bigger then Harlequinn. Freakin' huge. If you don't understand the exactly how big go here for a reference:

  • Harlequinn!

  • That is Harlequinn on a laptop. This rodent was LARGER. Got him though! w00t! to the pest control guy.

    Kudos to Maria for making me grin today with these (start with this one and continue through the next three)*:

  • The Boondocks

  • Continuing on. Man work is busy! BUT I may... stressing the MAY part here, be getting to go home earlier then I thought. So cross your fingers, pray to whatever god you believe in, and help me get home with good Karma! Huzzah! Adam, I'm trying my damndest to be there for your birthday man (that's me younger bro for all of you not in the know these days). Here we go! YOSH! (I don't think that's spelled right). I have some pictures that should go up here, but that will come later. One last thing. (some) People suck. They couldn't tell me where they're local public library was so I wandered around north east toronto for four hours trying to find the theater my friends play was. Never finding it of course so I didn't get to see the play ('Emma' for any community theater people who actually read this, I don't think there are all that many of you, if any at all...) and the Fairview Mall was sorta boring by myself. But I did get some shopping done after I got fed up wandering outside in the cold and snow. Sorry Ashley, I tried though. And since I've now learned that the library is RIGHT NEXT TO one exit of the mall (the one that I didn't happen to go out of to walk up and down the main streets of the area) I have to say that the information desk is a misnomer of epic proportions. Yeah, I'm bitter. Wanted to see that show damn it!


    The Dance of the Sgar Plum Fairy - The Nutcracker, 96.3

    *This is to explain why I didn't just post a link to all of the comics. I did actually, eBlogger wouldn't let me post it as the html was bad, and try as I might with my limited knowledge I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I DO know that I can physically type in the URLs to the first three comics (7,8,9) but not the last (10) for some stupid reason. I don't know, but I want this post up, so I gave up and just posted the first one that worked!

    Tuesday, December 06, 2005


    Why would someone do this?

    (I had posted a different link before, it was wrong)

    A bad version of the Imperial March - A piano student at the school

    Monday, December 05, 2005


    So I went back to work. So far so good, no ones asked about the doctors note. Let's see if I can't keep it that way.

    And this marks the 151st post on my blog! Woo!

    Also, if you want to be linked or don't want to be linked, let me know.

    Sunday, December 04, 2005

    The Kitty has landed!

    Everyone this is Harelquinn the Cat. Say hello! She's the newest permanent resident at the apartment. I promised you pictures and here they are!

    Do you mind?

    No more work Maria, play with ME now!


    Harlequinn the Cat

    Oh god.

    Okay for those of you who didn't know, I had the flu last week. It wasn't fun, because it was the flu. Well I went to the doctors and whatnot and I'm fine now, but the problem is this. I can't find the note the doctor gave me saying I was A-OK and that I was there and whatnot.

    Starbucks needs this, or I don't get to work there.

    This is bad. Very bad. I've torn apart my room looking for it (and yes I've searched the rest of the apartment too) and of course I realized I hadn't seen it only after the walk in clinic I went to was closed. I've come to two conclusions.

    1: I must have thrown it out with the trash when I cleaned my room last week out of boredom.
    2: I'm screwed.

    So I'll let you know what happens tomorrow (I'm supposed to open).

    Jailhouse Rock - FredFM (

    Saturday, December 03, 2005


    Awesome! I just screwed around in HTML! AND my blog isn't irreversably screwed up (this was a major possability), AND I now have a links section! Isn't it cute! Look at it down there! w00t! Hooray! Now, I want to add some peoples blogs there, like perhaps my room-mates and whatnot, maybe even other sites and such... but I should probably get permission first. I'm related to the Tin Dictator, and he doesn't care if I link him or not, Penny Arcade would probably never take notice of this blog (that would be pretty freakin' sweet though if they did), and Google is google. I'll link that site whenever I damn well please.

    Come to think of it, the RCMP does know exactly where I live. I should probably be careful. I mean, god knows I have enough to worry about with Ben as a roommate. I mean, they've come once they'll come again right? On the other hand they got a good look at Ben and talked to him, so they probably consider him about as much of a threat as I do.

    Anyways. Cool, I have links now.

    Well that wasn't very nice!

    Emily once again posted on my blog. I've deleted it now, so if you hadn't seen it, too bad for you. You don't get to. We just watched Electra and while it was pretty bad, it wasn't as bad as DareDevil. Okay, well.... actually I'm not sure which one was worse. And that's something.

    I'm taking the auto-login for this off my computer now.

    Speaking of computers, I think Wedge is getting a little slow in his old age. Might have to start thinking about replacing him. (sniffle) He's a good (even if he's completely psychotic at times, he'actually KILLED two other computers out of jealousy when I was in residence, one of them was my Don's which was a bit awkward) machine, and we work well together. So it would be sad to see him go the wayside. Lets ride him into the ground and see how far he'll go shall we? Sounds like a plan to me!

    Okay so this post has been a long time in coming, almost two weeks in fact I think. At first it was just because I was lazy and didn't get around to it. But then I got sick. Yep. Got me the flu. Which sucked. But my fevers, chills, and headaches are all but gone now so I can finally get out and do things. Like finish my Christmas shopping. Stuff like that. But I do owe some people a post since I said I would. I owe them pictures too. So I'll include at least one today.

    What else...

    Ah yes! We have a new addition to the apartment! I was going to put up pictures but my email client is down for updates, so you don't get them. Yet. Unless someone else has already posted them on their blog and you've seen them. Anyways, her name is Harlequin, which was the final result of a long process (read argument) of choosing one for her. Suggestions ranged from Samus Aran (mine) to Red XIII (Ben's and yes I had to explain to him that Red XIII is male not female... honestly sometimes I wonder whether Ben was high or something when he played through FF VII), to She-ra, Princess of Power:

    Ummm....not a chance in hell for any cat of mine!

    (Maria's egged on by a bunch of the girls). We settled Harlequin because she's kind of got a mask, she's sort of insane, and it's a Batman reference so it's geeky enough for me, but normal enough for everyone else. Though I do want to point out that Ben wanted to name the cat after male characters in video games. Again. He won't live that down for a while. An example of something funny that's happened with the kitty though, the following is an MSN conversation I had with Maria while back:

    Jae-Gon Jinn says:
    So I'm having this dream that I'm being shot with one of those nerf ball guns by the demon I was fighting,
    and no matter what, it kept hitting me in the head with the damn thing. Then I thought...what the hell is a demon doing with a nerf ball gun?

    Maria - um, ok, maybe harlequin says:

    Jae-Gon Jinn says:
    So I wake up, realize I'm staring at my pillow, and that I actually am being hit in the head with something soft. So I turn my head to see what it is and have two things pop into my head.

    Jae-Gon Jinn says:
    1: 'Cat?' Just like that. A question, single word.

    Maria - um, ok, maybe harlequin says:
    (smily of sorts)

    Jae-Gon Jinn says:
    2: 'Shi...owwww' as her paw got me full in the eye. I FELT THE PADS...

    Maria - um, ok, maybe harlequin says:
    (smily of sorts)

    Jae-Gon Jinn says:
    I had to wash my eye out for a good long while too, I had dust and such in my eye.

    Yep, that wasn't fun at the time. But it makes for a good story I suppose.

    Oh and the Dropkick Murphy's put on one HELL of a live show. Though I did lose my patience with people fast, and that night marked the beginning of the end for one of pairs of jeans, it was AWESOME. The band right before them were good as well, so I want to give full props and thumb ups and whatever else is appropriate to Big D and the Kids Table as well. Very nice. One hell of a good time too. Thanks for the B-day present Emily!

    Also as a last little bit, I'd like to say a very large HELLO! to everyone in Connecticut whom I haven't ever met and actually read this blog! ^_^ I think that's the happy face thing that Maggie does. I think it's only one person who does. Emily said you said hi, and that you had read her post on here so hello! Thanks for not making this thing a complete waste of time (just allow me my delusions okay? It's better for everyone I think) and feel free to comment. My Mom does, so you should too and I like to argue, just ask Becca, who I hope isn't bored completely out of her skull or anything because I'm not there to be annoying or walk in with bleeding knuckles and a concussion. Ah... fun times...

    And there's a post finally. I should really get better at being more consistant. But I have decided that since I'm not always listening to music (either I'm not in the mood, or like now, don't want to bother sleeping people) I think I'll start putting quotes below my posts as well as whatever I'm listening too. Maybe not both at the same time, or what the heck, maybe I will one day to be all special.

    This is the century of the Lovable Loser, isn't it?
    - Bill Simmons