Monday, December 27, 2004

Stupid sickness..

I thought I was getting better but as of yesterday I started feeling worse all over again. This time for some stupid reason that I can't pin down the right side of my jaw is in a lot of pain. I was just at the dentist this week so I know it's not a tooth thing. But Christ it hurts. I can't even open my jaw to chew very well. And it hurts to cough. Which sucks since I'm coughing a lot right now.


Sunday, December 26, 2004

Snow snow snow snow snow etc...

I'm at my Dad's, it's snowing. There's a Patriots game at 4:00 so the house will be taken over then by the call of downs. Maggie and Pebbles are running around having a grande old time, they're fatter then they used to be due to my father's constant feeding of them. And they drink more coffee in a day then most people do. It's strange to say the least. Katelyn is gone to visit Robbie and her father so it's just Adam and I here right now. I've already painted a mini, I put together one of the plastic mechs my Dad sells like my unstoppable act of brilliance that is "Carneval II" from Armored Core (for those who actually know what this mech is I looked for the symbols to make the name properly, can't find them but I'll work on that). Chicken legs, double cannon on his top (he doesn't really have shouolders on the mini, he doesn't really stand up straight... hey it's the closest I could get it) and missle pods for arms. I managed to paint in the extra missile extensions too but the radar head I'm sorry to say didn't make it. I think the paint scheme came out similar to what I used in the game, I even tried to put my crest on his shoulder (YES I know it should go on the arm, shush!). All I need to do now is plug the hole in the stand with some putty, maybe flock it, and seal it up and it's done. I like the way it came out so far. Oh and all you people who ordered things from me... you better be ready to pay!

I think it's B5 time. Let's see, 'River of Souls' directors commentary? I think so. 'Maybe A Call to Arms' afterwards.

This blog is pretty boring for a lot of people I'm sure. Oh well. Love you Katy!

The I'm tougher Howl - M&P and the New Dogs on the Block

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Holly Jolly this!


Merry Christmas!

Music from the Metroid Hunters Demo game.

Friday, December 24, 2004


Yes the title is in caps, why you ask? Because it's exciting! In my family we begin opening presents before X-mas so I've already got some (four total) as of right now. Why? Ostensibly its so that on X-mas day there is enough time to open all of our presents before Adam and I get picked up by our father to go to his house for, you guessed it, more presents. Now with Emily a lot of it has to do with us just wanting to open presents. We've got it pretty good.

Now the reason it might take time to open presents, because I'm sure your wondering how this could be since most people go nuts and tear into them (ah how I've dreamed...) is simple. It's not that we have overwhelming numbers of gifts, its that we open them one at a time. There's a rotation. This is so the other four family members can sit surrounded by their unopened gifts and watch the other one take an excruciatingly long time to open theirs. And then talk about it, have it explained to them, or otherwise convince the unconvincable giver that they actually like it. This as you could see, takes a fair amount of time. With the opening of them earlier it doesn't feel so painful when you're just waiting for one to open, or better yet are one of the early ones and can look/play with your present while everyone else opens theres. Sort of. We started opening presents yesterday, basically when my brother got home. Usually the normal thing to do is to open one a day. This year however its worked out that we've opened two both days.

Yesterday I got a Nerf football from Emily, who could barely contain herself with her desire to give the presents to everybody that she got them (so we let her of course). And I got the collectors box set of the Babylon 5 movies. 'Legend of the Rangers' is strangely absent from the five disc set, yet it has 'The Gathering' which wasn't a movie really. It was the pilot episode. Regardless I've finally seen 'A Call to Arms' all the way through and watched the directors commentary for 'In the Beginning,' which is my favorite of the movies. Peter Jurasik was just... awesome. That's really the only way to describe his performance in the movie. It's not that Andreas Katsulas (probably my favorite B5 actor) wasn't good in the movie, he's great, he just had a much smaller role, and Jurasik has Londo down to an art for this film.

You'd think 200 years from now people wouldn't be afraid of the dentist though. The amount of characters, especially humans, who have bad teeth...

Today I didn't do much other then watch B5 and the 'Faith Rewarded' video that Adam got yesterday. I opened a hoodie and a fountain. The hoodie is gray and either from abercombie or aeropostale, I can't remember and the fountain is a little black desk one with green, blue, and red lights that wink off and on. You'd think they'd just but all blue lights to create the soothing backdrop. It's an interesting little thing, the pump draws water up into what looks like a turbolift out of Star Wars or Star Trek and lets it pour back through about a dozen little streams to the 'floor' of the turbolift which is a silver wire mesh. It came with some counters (the little glass stones you see in fish tanks a lot) to decorate it with but I think it might look better without them. We'll see. I wouldn't mind the different colors if they didn't blink in the same pattern. Maybe they'll grow on me. the jury is still out.

I'm still sick, and sickening my family members with my bodily machinations (my sneezes are dangerously loud and violent, nothing erupts thankfully but people still jump six inches when they occur), it'd be amusing if it weren't so painfull. My head still feels pinched and about to expload and every now and the the old dizziness comes a callin'. I feel better now then I have since it started so I see that as a good sign. Though I woke up this morning around seven not being able to breathe. I guess we'll see how tonight and tomorrow go. I'm ushering at church. I don't think poeple are going to want to get there programs from me but we'll see.

This is my longest post in a while.

The Present Re-Cap:
Nerf Football
B5 Movie Box Set
Gray Hoodie
Desktop Fountain

Sally Simpson - The Who's Tommy

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Hack. Cough. Wheeze.

Okay, I'm not healthy. Feel like crap actually. Hard to talk, hurts to move, head hurts whether I move at all. Bad.

Adam gave me a Chicken-Pult for my birthday present (a little late) and a card that said I'm old. I am. It sucks. He's home. Been a long day.

Vision is blurry now so I'll elucidate after I'm healthy.

I miss Katy. No Katy no good!

Don't ask

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Happy Birthday Adam

It's Adam's birthday, yeah for him being 19. Wow we're old.

So the crazies next door were out until 5:30 - 6:00 last night smoking up and coughing up their livers outside my window. I say livers because they can't have lungs left. I'm so tired. I was up till 4 anyways but at least I wanted to go to bed after that. Emily had her pageant today at church and it was cute as always but man it was hard to stay focused there. Sleepy nap time now.

No music I'm trying to sleep!

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Yo! Thug it out yo!

Yo dog, this is dj jazzy deejay with the lowdown from the beantown...

Sorry, that slipped out. I went to the mall today and had too much exposure to people being assholes for no reason other then to be piggish assholes. DO SOMETHING ELSE! I mean, if your feeling aggressive, don't go to the mall and pick fights with security guards, go paintballing or something. It'll hurt less. You are what we classify as someone who has NO LIFE! That's not a completely fair statement since some of them are decent upstanding people who don't leer and grab at womens rear ends when they walk by. I'm sure they were shopping for presents, or in for a quick jaunt. But when you stand there and swear at girls who don't accept your invitation for a blow job in the middle of the mall, well you're right up there with people who suck. It's unneccessary and trust me when it doesn't work. Better yet. Trust your own damn experience. Has grabbing your crotch while decked out in phat farm clothes and shacking it and your bling-bling (I can use it, it's a word) at a girl EVER worked? You are not cool for doing so, your friends are not cool either. And if it ever does work, just remember that it did and that there are tons of guys in the mall doing the same thing so... have fun with the STD's there buddy.

So, almost all done with the shopping. Going to go to the palace of joy that is Romano's Macaroni Grille. See my previous post on this blissful human creation for details as to why my mouth is watering non-stop right now.

To quote Alex, who is a might bit bitter from his own jaunt to the mall "Merry Effin' Christmas!!!"

Elephant Love Medley - Moulin Rouge Soundtrack

Time flies...

So after being really really bored for a while the first two days I was home, I now have lots and lots of stuff to do. I wasn't completely bored since I went to Three Amigos with my Mom and Emily is probably one of the most amusing things possible. I'm not 'bored' now since people are coming home from school over the weekend now. Bored isn't a very good word to have chosen. Oh well.

How good is Three Amigos? If I were to be executed and could have my last request dinner, it would be a number 6 combo from this place.

I'm about to go on a shopping foray with Mary-Kate. It could either be a lot of fun, or the biggest headache since I cracked my skull. Whichever it should provide for some stories. I'm still not very good at this morning posting am I? I need to work on this.

Ah Boston. I didn't realize how much I missed it until the tiny little vomit rocket I was riding circled the city before we landed. Perfect visability and in the afternoon. OHHHH! I just remembered. So going through security at Pearson (that's Toronto's airport for you non-Toronto types) a man shouldered his way thorugh the crowd being exceptionally rude. So I of course seeing a disgruntled grungy guy barrelling through old people step out of the way, thinking "what an ass." And then he just keeps on going. Walks through the metal detector without missing a beat (it goes off) and while ignoring the protests of now several security guards, pushing one aside, and just keeps on going. Then comes the cool part. Remember this guy knocked over an old mostly stooped asian man on his way.

Textbook aimed flying tackle. Not kidding. That security guard nailed it perfectly. Right after the guy was on the ground and beginning to scream bloody murder, he gets mobbed. The term pig-pile is appropriate. I mean I think I remember counting 6 or 7 guards on the guy forcibly removing his backpack and jacket and patting his pockets. It was awesome! The other guards who were keeping an eye on the lines (everything was basically on pause at this point except the spectacle of grown men wrestling on the ground). Apparently he didin't think they should be doing that to him since he was white. And I quote "you only detain colored people you ass holes!" Ha ha ha!

Toronto's finest were there of course with hands on guns looking on, but the disturbing thing is I think that this guy made it through customs just fine. I mean he was technically in the US (sort of) and was a citizen. He was just really really really stupid! It made my morning though.

Some baaaad 80's hair bands - the crazy's next door

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Jordan's Alive

Well, Jordan's alive at least. He's on the futon sleeping as I type this. Apparently it was all just a misunderstanding and blown out of proportion messages. Something of a really bad sitcom happened in my apartment last night. While being rich with comedic value and easily parody material, I think it was a bit too stressful for those involved to crack any jokes just yet. Ben had almost finished with Jordan's eulogy on his way home. So I guess that doesn't make a whole lot of sense now that I re-read that last paragraph. I don't want to put in the effort to sum it up myself, so I'll quote Ben on this with some editing and interjections by me;

At an unknown time this evening, Jordan's brother Jared was in a car accident. He is fine, but the car was totaled, I believe there was flipping involved. Julia told her older sister, Mary-Francis, that she was going to console Jordan re: his brother. Through a miscommunication, Mary-Francis reports to her mother, Mrs. Jung, that Julia and Jordan are at the hospital. I can see how this would happen, Julia's cellphone is prone to static. While consoling Jordan, Julia had left her phone off, making her incommunicado.

Simultaneously, Jordan's mother, Mrs. Wellington, is trying to locate Jordan. He had planned to stay at Joe's house for the night, for various reasons. But, for an equal number of various reasons, not the least of which that Joe had to work early that next morning, Jordan thought it best that he stay at my place tonight. For further reasons, not the least of which is that Mrs. Wellington doesn't take well to her son sleeping at some one's (me and Jae) house who she has not met, Jordan did not tell her that he was sleeping at our place.

Mrs. Wellington then calls Joe, asking him if he had seen Jordan. He, of course, had not. Mrs. Wellington, her panic increasing, calls Jae. Jordan had not yet informed us that he was sleeping here tonight, so he tells her that we, too, had not seen Jordan. Mrs. Wellington panic rises.

This is the point where I enter the picture, as Jae calls me at Ken's party, to see if by any chance Jordan was with me, which he was not. Through Jae's muffled call, I hear the words "Jordan" "accident" "hospital", so I head home. I should say, that on the way home I was planning a GIS related solution to the problem of Jordan being in a traffic accident and taken to a unknown hospital. Using my access to the MTO's COMPASS traffic incident system, to which I had been granted access as part of my dealings with the ministry, I would search for any traffic incidents taking place between 9 and 10. Then, after creating Thessian Polygons around all of Toronto's hospitals, thus creating rough areas to which Jordan might have been taken, I could cross-reference the location of all traffic incidents requiring ambulatory response, narrowing down the list of hospitals to call from several dozen to less than 6. This was all calculated while I was mentally writing Jordan's eulogy . Okay, but none of that last paragraph mattered.

What happens at this point is a bit fuzzy. Julia sees on her cell phone several missed calls from both her mom's cellphone and Jae, as Jae was calling her looking for information. Julia, for some reason (and remember, this part is most likely wrong), thinks that her mother had come down to our place looking for her. It was then that she learned that her mother thought that she was in an accident, and had been calling around to local hospitals looking for her.

At some point she and Jordan come here, and inform those people who thought that they were dead that they were very much alive. At this point, I made tea. Julia, after calming down from the hysteria of having a mother who thought that she was dead , headed home for what we all assumed would be a chewing out session, for reasons that will not be discussed here. Jordan is staying here for the night, but will be chewed out by both his mother (for not telling her where he was sleeping), and from Joe (for not staying at his place) .

That is the official (or as official as it will ever be) Julia and Jordan story of December, 2004. The key facts to remember is that 1) Jared is fine. 2) the car is totaled 3) both Julia and Jordan are fine 4) Ken has a new apartment 5) I have a new book.'

It's good to be a geek these day's. It's snowing a bit. It's really early out. I need to stop typing now.

Lithium - Nirvana

Friday, December 10, 2004

super size this!

Watched 'Super Size Me' with Katy tonight after we got Swiss Chalet takeout. Ah sheer hilarity.

After two days of being up until 5 and 6 respectively, I'm going to bed sometime between now and 11:00. Cool, huh?

This is a boring post. I know. I'll do better in the future I promise. It's Maria's birthday tomorrow, at least her party anyways. Happy B-day to you if it's yours too.

On another note the second postcard I sent to Heather came back today. Stupid mail. I'm sending another one of course.

We also can't find Jordan. Where are you? I hope your not lost.

No music - The sleepy time blues

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Arrrggh... light, burning my atrophied retinas...

Yeah, I get to post more often now that I'm not usually being strapped into straight jackets at night muttering about Louis Joseph Papineau's ties to Viger or some other such nonsense. Just ONE more test. Just let me survive God, just one more test.

Did I ever mention how much I truly hate the waking up process my body goes through? It's like having to watch a movie about the most boring parts of your life in slow motion for two hours before the rest of it gets going at normal speed.

Ugh, I hate this part.

On the plus Katy is coming over after her test. She'll be mad at me for the state of chaos that is my apartment I'm sure but I won't care at the same time I'm just as sure. Ben and I have been doing nothing but study type, and not sleep for so long that the place definately looks... 'lived in.' Yes that's the ticket.

I need to not write posts in the morning, they're strange, then again theyr'e always strange.

Evolution - Ayumi Hamasaki

TBS = Ghostbusters?

When there's light at the end of the tunnel, doesn't that mean your dead? One more day, one more test, and then... I can be lazy again. I can do nothing but dote on my girlfriend, be social, and play video games. I could even go outside for something. A walk. Shopping. Because I can. Any sort of reason. That will be nice. But the light...

Or is it my vision that's created the tunnel and I'm just seeing my monitor this way.

Whatever, it's coma time! The song is oddly fitting for my state of being/mind this time around...

Bury Me - Guster