Thursday, February 23, 2006

In Krakow, it's cold. It's been a good trip, have ten seconds.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Almost gone.

I'm about an hour and a half away from heading to the airport to leave on the trip. Yep. The vacation has begun I suppose, further updates will of course be sketchy at best since I'll be travelling.

My brother did cook for me at Macaroni Grill. Food porn for Ana coming up real soon now. Tasty. Mighty frakkin' tasty it was. Delicious comes to mind.

What follows is RPG geekness. If you don't care, you're done with this post.

And for the other geeks out there. d20 Weird Wars II one off game was done. I of course played a scout who was looking towards becoming a sniper (one shot one kill. This tends towards my template when I make characters, and a sniper lets me live in happy land!). We didn't get too far into it, but a lovely firefight did break out after our glider crashlanded off target in a field overlooked by a farmhouse. Of course an MG.42 would be deployed there, and of course they'd be able to radio for artillery support, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The glider of course was hit on the way down by some 88 flak, but later is when the bad starts. We crash of course and my character is knocked around a bit but stays in his harness and his seat (due to some praying he started doing when the first flak started I'm sure!). When the world stops spinning the first thing he does is start piling out the door behind some of the other surviving grunts, just as the aforementioned machine-gun opens up on us. Craig is pinned inside while trying to drag a fellow unconcious G.I. out the glider, the co-pilots pinned in the cockpit, the pilots unconcious or worse, and our Lieutenant's an idiot. I make it out the far side of the glider as it erupts in splinters from the machine gun. Clandestine mission my arse, it's FUBAR, let's f&$# shit up.


Friday, February 17, 2006

We hold these truths, to be self evident...

"The universe speaks in many languages, but only one voice. The language is not narn or human or centauri or gaim or minbari. It speaks in the language of hope."

"It speaks in the language of trust. It speaks in the language of strength and the language of compassion. It is the language of the heart and the language of the soul. But always it is the same voice. It is the voice of our ancestors speaking through us and the voice of our inheritors waiting to be born. The small, still voice that says: 'We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one. No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.' Here, gathered together in common cause, we begin to realize this singular truth and this singular rule that we must be kind to one another. Because each voice enriches us and ennobles us and each voice lost diminishes us. We are the voice of the universe, the soul of creation, the fire that will light our way to a better future. We are one."

"We are one."

And now I'll lay off the Babylon 5 posts. You know what? I'm going to have to watch it again now. And play the CCG a lot.

It's long, but chewy.

I had mentioned that I liked G'Kar on Babylon 5. I thought I'd post some of my favorite quotes and moments regarding the character below. Enjoy!

"In here, Mr Garibaldi, you can not hide from yourself. Everything out there has only one purpose, to distract us from ourselves, what is truly important. There are no distractions in here. We can learn much from silence."
-G'Kar to Garibaldi, Messages from Earth

"Our thoughts form the universe, they always matter."
-G'Kar to Zack, The Hour of the Wolf

"Breen. You've managed to import breen from homeworld. How?"
"It .. isn't actually breen."
"But the smell, the taste..."
"It's an Earth food. They are called Swedish meatballs. It's a strange thing, but every sentient race has its own version of these Swedish meatballs. I suspect it's one of those great universal mysteries which will either never get explained or which will drive you mad if you ever learned the truth."
-Na'kal and G'Kar, Walkabout

"You must understand, Ta'Lon, I have had a revelation."
"What kind of revelation?"
"Most profound and substantial one, Ta'Lon. The kind of revelation that transforms your mind, your soul, your heart, even your flesh. So that you are a new creature. We are born in the instant of understanding."
-G'Kar and Ta'Lon, Point of No Return

"The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements; energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest."
-G'Kar to Garibaldi, Survivors

"I've never understood that. Why does the universe give us puzzles with no answers?"
"Pay back, maybe?"
-G'Kar and Franklin, The Wheel of Fire

"We put you in this position, G'Kar. Our reverence is our gift to you, and you are responsible to us. You owe us. Without us, you are nothing."
"Then I am nothing. Good day."
-A Narn and G'Kar, Objects in Motion

"Would you prefer to be conscious or unconscious during the mating? I would prefer conscious, but I don't know what your, pleasure threshold is."
-G'Kar to Lyta, The Gathering

"The wheel turns, does it not, Ambassador?"
-G'Kar to Londo, Midnight on the Firing Line

"We should've wiped out your kind when we had the chance."
"What happened? Run out of small children to butcher?"
-Londo and G'Kar, Midnight on the Firing Line

"Just don't give away the homeworld."
-G'Kar to Ko'Dath, Born to the Purple

"I never knew you could be so devious, Commander."
"Coming from you, Ambassador, that's a real compliment."
-G'Kar and Sinclair, Born to the Purple

"I'm thinking of thinking of calling her right after my afternoon nap.
I'm thinking of thinking of sending her flowers right after Bonnie gets back.
So many fishies left in the sea.
So many fishies, but no one for meee..
I'm thinking of thinking of hooking a love soon after supper is done."
-G'Kar while cooking, A Parliament of Dreams

"Are you Ambassador G'Kar?"
"This is Ambassador G'Kar's quarters. This is Ambassador G'Kar's table. This is Ambassador G'Kar's dinner. What part of this progression escapes you?"
-Tu'Pari and G'Kar, The Parliament of Dreams

"Ambassador, it is not my place to speculate on how anything gets into your bed."
-Na'Toth to G'Kar, The Parliament of Dreams

"Earthers have a phrase: 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.' I believe they stole it from us."
-G'Kar to Na'Toth, The Parliament of Dreams

"And just let me say, Ambassador, from the bottom of my heart: Hot pink is definitely your color."
-Garibaldi to G'Kar, The Parliament of Dreams

"That hurt!"
"Ambassador, it was the only way to disable the pain-givers. I had to hit them as hard as possible, as often as possible and still make it appear as though I were beating you into another incarnation."
"And you didn't enjoy it in the least?"
"I didn't say that."
-G'Kar and Na'Toth, The Parliament of Dreams

"With luck, they may never find you, but if they do, you will know pain..."
"And you will know fear..."
"And then you will die, have a pleasant flight!"
-G'Kar and Na'Toth to Tu'Pari, The Parliament of Dreams

"Let me pass on to you the one thing I've learned about this place. No one here is exactly what he appears. Not Mollari, not Delenn, not Sinclair... and not me."
-G'Kar to Sakai, Mind War

"Narns, Humans, Centauri... we all do what we do for the same reason; because it seems like a good idea at the time."
-G'Kar to Sakai, Mind War

"There are things in the Universe billions of years older than either of our races. They are vast, timeless, and if they are aware of us at all, it is as little more than ants and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant has with us. We know. We've tried and we've learned that we can either stay out from underfoot or be stepped on."
-G'Kar to Sakai, Mind War

"Human ways are often unfathomable, but in time, one learns to live with them."
"If one has an exceedingly strong constitution."
-Delenn and G'Kar, The War Prayer

"Oh, my people watch him, his people watch me, we all watch one another here, Mr. Garibaldi."
-G'Kar to Garibaldi, Survivors

"Oh why does the universe hate me?"
-G'Kar, By Any Means Necessary

"You left your door unlocked, Ambassador, how careless of you. I thought it best to sit here and guard your room until you return."
"And did you find anything of interest in my humble quarters while you were guarding it?"
-G'Kar and Londo, By Any Means Necessary

"Take the famine as a blessing, Ambassador: a weeding out of the excess population."
"One more comment like that, Mollari, and you will become part the excess population."
-Londo and G'Kar, Signs and Portents

"I would suggest that there is a difference between being unreasonable and being angry. Ambassador G'Kar is angry most of the time, but even the greatest anger fades with time."
"My dear ambassador Delenn, I'm sure that for you this is true, but for G'Kar and his people; they will do all that they can to destroy us, until the universe itself decays and collapses. If the Narns all stood together in one place and hated, all at the same time, that hatred could fly across dozens of light-years and reduce Centauri Prime to a ball of ash. That's how much they hate us."
-Delenn and Londo, A Voice in the Wilderness Part 1

"Vir, how many gods are there in our pantheon? I've lost count since the last emperor was elevated to godhood."
"48. No no, 49... 50 if you count Zuug but, you know, I never thought you should--"
"All right, let's say 50."
"Now out of that 50, how many gods do you think I must have offended to have ended up with G'Kar's teeth buried so deeply in my throat that I can barely breathe?"
"All of them?"
"Sounds right. And now I have to go back to the Council and explain to them that in the interest of peace the Centauri government will agree to give quadrant 37 to the Narns. I think I will stick my head in the station's fusion reactor. It would be quicker. And I suspect, after a while I might even come to enjoy it. But this... this... this... this is like being nibbled to death by, what are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet, go 'quack'?"
"Cats. I'm being nibbled to death by cats."
-Londo and Vir, Chrysalis

"It wasn't the Humans. The Centauri don't have the will. And the Vorlons don't care. The Minbari wouldn't do it. The other worlds aren't powerful enough for a strike like this. .. There's someone else out there, Na'Toth."
-G'Kar to Na'Toth, Chrysalis

"And one more thing. Tell the commander .. he was right. We were at a crossroads, and there is no going back. Expect me .. when you see me."
-G'Kar to Na'Toth, Chrysalis

"Mollari, the grievances between my people and yours will never be resolved except with Centauri blood. Accept that as a given."
"Well it's good to know we're appreciated."
-G'Kar and Londo, Revelations

"Take my advice and go back to the time you came from. The future isn't what it used to be."
-G'Kar to Mariah Cirrus, The Long Dark

"You know, the problem with mysteries is that in order to get rid of the headaches I have to figure them out."
-G'Kar to Mariel, Soul Mates

"So, you are going to allow this, even over my objections?"
"What? Did I somehow turn invisible or something? Yes, Ambassador. The Emperor is allowed to come aboard. Now, if this bothers you, I suggest you stay in your quarters, stick your fingers in your ears and hum real loud until it's over. Unless you'd like to try something as breathtakingly rational as trying to open up a dialogue. G'Kar, you are in a position to negotiate directly with the head of the Centauri Republic, and you are wasting it on a... tantrum!"
-G'Kar and Sheridan, The Coming of Shadows

"I was ready! I had prepared myself, I had made my peace with the universe, put all my affairs in order, I had the dagger in my hand! And he has the indecency to start dying on his own. Never in my life have I seen a worse case of timing."
<door chimes>
"Maybe it's good news! With luck he's feeling better. All they have to do is to prop him up for two minutes and... I'll call you back."
-G'Kar, The Coming of Shadows

"Why does any advanced civilization seek to destroy a less advanced one? Because the land is strategically valuable, because there are resources that can be cultivated and exploited, but most of all, simply because they can."
-G'Kar, And Now For a Word

"Mr. Garibaldi, I have been on this station long enough to know that you don't ask leading questions unless you already know the answers. So, why don't we just pretend I've lied about it, you've caught me in your web of ineluctable logic and cut to the point."
-G'Kar to Garibaldi, Comes the Inquisitor

"I meant, why are you doing this?"
"Because you didn't lie to me."
"But you must have known that ahead of time."
"Like you said, I never start a conversation unless I know where it's going, but I always leave a little room for someone to disappoint me. Thanks for not doing it."
-G'Kar and Garibaldi, Comes the Inquisitor

"This is insane! We must work together!"
"No. As the humans say, 'Up yours, guy'!"
-Londo and G'Kar, Convictions

"There, you see! I'm going to live."
"So it would seem. Well, it's an imperfect universe."
"You are insane!"
"And that is why we'll win."
"Go be the ambassador to Babylon 5 they say. Will be an easy assignment. Ah, I hate my life."
"So do I."
"Shut up!"
-Londo and G'Kar, Convictions

"I carry my sword in my hand. You carry yours in your heart and in your mind. As I see it, that gives you a two-to-one advantage in arms. Be fair, citizen G'kar."
-Ta'Lon to G'Kar, A Day in the Strife

"I've taken the opportunity provided by my incarceration to meditate, to think. Sometimes, I even sing."
"I know, we got a petition."
"For or against?"
"Based on the sound, they think we are torturing you in here."
-G'Kar and Garibaldi, Messages from Earth

"G'Kar, what are you doing here?"
"(whispering) Saving all of us. I've had .. an idea."
-Ivanova and G'Kar, Point of No Return

"I'll try and stop by for the closing ceremonies."
"What matters is everything leading up to that point. Leaving behind the old, preparing to be reborn.""I have already been born once, and quite sufficiently, I think."
-G'Kar and Lennier, Ceremonies of Light and Dark

"I can only wait so long."
"I thought your patience was infinite."
"Since space and time are curved, the infinite sooner or later bends back upon itself and ends up where it begun. And so have I."
-G'Kar and Ivanova, Ship of Tears

"I've got it! I've got it! I've got it! It's right here! It's right in here!"
"Do not... thump the book of G'Quan. It is disrespectful."
-Garibaldi and G'Kar, Ship of Tears

"Doesn't make sense."
"You're right, that's the bit that worries me."
"If you are going to be worried every time the universe doesn't make sense, you are going to be worried every moment of every day for the rest of your natural life."
-G'Kar and Marcus, Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?

"I was doing fine until you showed up with that... thing in hand."
"It's a Minbari fighting pike, several hundred years old. You are just jealous because you don't have one. Bad case of pikal envy, if you ask me."
-G'Kar and Marcus, Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?

"I have seen what power does, and I have seen what power costs. The one is never equal to the other."
-G'Kar to Franklin, Epiphanies

"I think I got it."
"Just as long as it isn't in backwards. I've peered into my own soul more than enough lately."
-Franklin and G'Kar, Atonement

"So, how does it feel to make history?"
"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
"G'Kar, you are a depressing person."
"Thank you."
"And stop eating that. We don't even know what it is."
"Something called 'rice'."
"Yes, and if it were any good, do you think they would be standing there throwing it at people? As marriage ceremonies go, the humans are very strange indeed. Still, they're quite a couple, aren't they?"
"Yes, they are."
"Almost makes you wish that you could peek in on them. See how's it going... G'Kar, the artificial eye that doctor Franklin gave you... where is it?"
-Londo and G'Kar, Rising Star

"I will not sleep, eat, drink, nothing! The words and I will be locked in mortal combat until one of us surrenders."
-G'Kar to Sheridan, No Compromises

"You want to be president?"
"Put your hand on the book and say, 'I do.'"
"I do."
"Fine. Done. Let's eat."
-G'Kar and Sheridan, No Compromises

"It's bad luck to die on empty stomach."
-G'Kar to Londo, In the Kingdom of the Blind

"Where is my book? It is my only copy!"
"Yes, that is precisely the point. The Kha'Ri felt that if anything happened to you, the book of G'Kar would never see the light of day, so they .. liberated it."
"Liberated it?"
"We took it home. Those that read it were very moved by it and they made some copies."
"Just a few, for their friends. A few more... and later a few more copies."
"How many?!"
"That's hard to say, exactly. There was some confusion when it went to the printers."
"Printers?! I've only been gone for a month, Ta'Lon, there can't be that many copies floating around this quickly. How many?"
"Five or six... hundred... thousand..."
"I've been told that it will out-sell the book of G'Quan... Congratulations, citizen G'Kar. You are now a religious icon."
-G'Kar and Ta'Lon, The Ragged Edge

"I can't stay. I just wanted to see how you were."
"Better. I would be dead if not for you. You risked your life to save mine."
"Yes. You would have done the same."
"Yes, but I am a better person."
-Londo and G'Kar, The Fall of Centauri Prime

"I find I'm actually looking forward to seeing the universe with you alongside, Lyta. Perhaps we'll find something extraordinary. Perhaps something extraordinary will find us. Either way, it's going to be quite an adventure."
"I smell another book coming."
"What a wonderful idea!"
-G'Kar and Lyta, Objects in Motion

And my top two favorite moments in Babylon 5 with G'Kar:

"Gentlemen, of all things in life, are females not the finest?"
"On that, Mollari, we can at least agree."
-Londo and G'Kar, Born to the Purple

"It is said that the future is always born in pain. The history of war is the history of pain. If we are wise, what is born of that pain matures into the promise of a better world, because we learn that we can no longer afford the mistakes of the past."
-G'Kar, In the Beginning

The first because it's just simple truth. The second says very succinctly why I believe that the study of History is vital to the survival of humanity as a species.

I think I got WAY to carried away with this post. It's a hell of a lot longer then I expected and Maria is the only person I can think of who I can reasonably think is going to read this all the way through. On that note. Yep. Bye!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Old posts, obituaries, and gaming.

I'm going home soon! And then to Europe!

First though, an excellent little comic here. He he he. The funny.

In other news, I'm tired. Andreas Katsulas died earlier this week. The world has lost again lost an amazing talent. G'Kar was the reason I fell in love with Babylon 5, after I saw my first episode ever on T.V. (Acts of Sacrifice, Season Two) with my Dad and he's the guy behind the makeup. He's still my favorite character on the show, the amazing space opera that it is. I recommend you seeing Babylon 5 if you like good things. It's chock full of political commentaries and intricate plots and intrigues. So good. So very full of good.

God help you if I ever play the Babylon 5 CCG game against you with my Narn deck. If you know the game, let's just say I took out the Grey Council Fleet with a Deep Space fleet.

Maria, Drew, Steve, and my brother all have faced it's wrath. Ha ha ha, with my brother I managed to declare war on the league of Non-Aligned Worlds with the Narn deck.

Anyways. Most of you don't care at all about the B5 CCG. I did however find an old website of mine. It somehow survived until now. Here's a post I put on it. It was under 'Rants'.

Rant3: The greatest parody of my life strangly involves a half-pound of bubble tape bubble gum, a person trying to take over the world with a toaster, a plastic fork, and 30 feet of rope, a play called Rosa! by J. Urvin, an Otaku who happens to be the third worst Jew in the world, midgets inside my radiator, eleven year old basketball court terrorizers, three pairs of old shoes, an angsty computer named Wedge, and four car accidents. There's a lot more but I don't want to list anymore. The weather has once again lulled us into a false sense of hope. Soon everything will be freezing again.

Why oh why are some people wierdness magnets? The strangest shit happens to them. Maybe its just luck but its freaky sometimes. It's scary to talk to them about things...because those things end up happening. I've never actually seen a flower pot get dropped on someones head until I was joking about it with them, and smash! not thirty feet away, someone gets creamed with a plastic pot. Apparently the two lovers in the windowsill weren't paying very much attention.

Which brings us back to the weather. Ah yes, spring fever is in the air. But come on everybody, other people don't want to see that shit too. Well, most other people don't want see it, we won't count the voyeurism. Some people even the Voyeurs don't want to see though, and guess what? Yep, they're the ones who like to show off that they are getting some. As if they have something to prove. it's freakish sometimes. So please for common curtesy, make the private intimate encounters private and intimate. And bite the pillow! You scream too loud, I can't sleep!

Fun times I think.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Singles Awareness Day!

The title of the post is quoting Asher with whom I toil away for the Starbucks Corporation and who was suffering from a concussion earned in Hockey yesterday. Goaltenders unite!.

Anyways. Emily's Livejournal has a quiz that defines your name as it would appear in a dictionary entry pertaining to you. Cool! I like strange quiz things for your blog.

Here's my issue. It's not consistant. Every single time I got a different entry (the first redo was simply by accident, the rest were intentional after spotting the discrepancy.

The definitions were as follows (and I wish I were making these up):

Smells like teen spirit.
A person who falls into an outhouse and dies.
Someone who is always high.
A master blogger.
A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever.
A lewd street performer.

A person who is a master of making ravioli.
Similar to butter in texture and appearance.

And MY personal favorite:

Jason Remington Christopher R@#$%^*;


Full of bees

Which randomized entry will you be!

Yep. Full of the bees be I. Check it out, worth a chuckle. I was kind of disappointed as Emily's actually describes her.

The Olympics are on! Watch them! Or go on a plutonic date with another single person. Or go on a not so plutonic date with them, it's your choice!

And Craig for the love of your Starfox ceiling mobile, UPDATE ALREADY!

Make it Count - Tim.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Curse you disease!

I must call all people, of all faiths and backgrounds, of any creed and orientation, together. Whether you choose to pray, or simply remember with fond brain activity, please bow your heads. For an era is passing. One which we shall never again see the likes of my friends, my fellow humanity. A great man has passed. A great Massachusetts man has passed on from this place, into another grander, more peaceful place, hopefully in a galaxy far far away.

Phil Brown, aged 89, died of pneumonia Thursday in Woodland Hills California. You might know him as Uncle Owen, of Star Wars. Genuflect everytime you mention his name, or hear it uttered, for without him, where would we be? To his wife, son, grandchildren and great-grandchild I pay my respects.

And get those droids fixed by sundown, or there will be hell to pay.


I might cry. Or just glower in frustration. Probably going to do that. I AM doing that. Due to the crappy vagueries of the internet. I just lost a HUGE post. It covered last week, the coming week, the Rock, work, friends, Valentines day, the Olympics, and my now forgotten cure for cancer.

I clicked submit. And then I was signed out. And then there was wrath.

This sucks. I don't want to type all of that back out right now. SO I will later. And you will have to wait.

For now look at this. Especially if you dislike Emos and want to see them made a mockery.

Current Books: Cryptonomicron & Londinium
Current PC Game: CIV IV
Current GC Game:Tales of Symphonia
Current DS Game: Advanced Wars DS (difficult doesn't describe the 'hard' campaign)

Thursday, February 09, 2006


The difference between a boss and a leader: a boss says, 'Go!' -a leader says, 'Let's go!'.

~E. M. Kelly~

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Neo? I see...

You scored as Neo, the "One". Neo is the computer hacker-turned-Messiah of the Matrix. He leads a small group of human rebels against the technology that controls them. Neo doubts his ability to lead but doesn't want to disappoint his friends. His goal is for a world where all men know the Truth and are free from the bonds of the Matrix.

Neo, the "One"


Indiana Jones


William Wallace


Lara Croft


El Zorro




Batman, the Dark Knight


Captain Jack Sparrow


The Terminator


The Amazing Spider-Man


James Bond, Agent 007


Take this poorly designed quiz!
created with (not by me)

Almost Awake

Yeah, so Tara Spencer-Nairn, she's an okay person. I have to deal with television crews soon. I'm missing the Rock game on Friday for a concert benefit for my school (everyone and their friend should go!) Tell you more later.

A lot's been happening over last two days. Not much time to post but I'll get to it. I leave for home and beyond in 10 days! Woooo!

Happy birthday Jordan!

Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

Monday, February 06, 2006


Superbowl Forty was kind of a... letdown?

At least the jalepeno poppers I saw on sale were tasty.

Yeah. I have work tomorrow.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Rock Win!

14 - 10!

And Manning finally get's going offensively with 5 goals. Compared to the six scored the rest of the season combined. AND there were plenty of scraps, good old square off and duke it out scenarios.


Shit we play Rochester next. Oh well, let's take it to 'em.

End of the 3rd

End of the third quarter and we're up 10 - 6, though I hate a lot more near heart attacks.

I did get to hear both of these quips from the commentators though which made me laugh:

"Possession is mine sayeth the Roughnecks!"

And this one after Doyle got a shot off after collecting a ball in front of the net with one hand, and being hammered by three defenders:

"Oh my...(pause)...that's...(another pause)...oh my."

Ha ha ha

Back for the FOURTH!

Good man Bobby!


Haltime update

Hey there. Okay it's halftime in the Toronto Calgary NLL game, and right now, I'm very very happy. At the beginning of the game I wasn't because the gorram Raptors gaem went into overtime and all the associated really annoying time outs that that entails. So I got to see the Rock game 20 minutes late. GAH! But on to the good so far.

Watson is playing once again, like a man possessed. This I like. 25 saves so far. And we're up I think 7 - 3 so this is good. The Rock defense though is what I'm impressed with. They've been a stone-fucking-wall. The Roughnecks have been given almost nothing to work with.

To stress this, the Rock just killed off a powerplay. Not a normal powerplay either which is a feat in and of itself. Calgary had a five on three advantage. If you've ever seen a lacrosse game, you know that's insane.

If momentum stays with the Rock this will be a good day. I mean things are going very very well. Veltman got his 2,000 looseball today, and he's passed it. I saw a one handed goal too. It's been a good time.

Off to the game again. GO ROCK GO!