Sunday, July 31, 2005

Am I missing something?

Sleep is fun! It's relaxing, rejuvinating, refreshing, and takes so little effort. So why can't I GO TO SLEEP?!? Probably don't want to dream or something. How about that descriptive alliteration though?

Where Have You Been? - Reel Big Fish


Just got back from a BBQ! I even got to exercise my manliness by owning that grill. Oh, was it ever my bitch! I cooked, people liked it, which means I win! Fire + Meat = Wicked awesome delicious foods.

I think I'm going through a sort of withdrawal right now. Not enough of one of the coolest people on earth (refer to earlier post) right now. Which sucks since I don't know when I could satisfy the craving anytime in the future. Yeesh! I'm so strange right now. It's not good since this is making things here in Toronto a little weird too. Gah! At least I might be getting a better job soon. Oh god do I hope so. Then I might actually get to go home again this summer! Then I'd get to not be going so INSANE!!!

Call And Answer - Barenaked Ladies

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The suckiness comes back!

Went to work. Fixed the Rogers billing. Did some homework. Talked on the phone a bit. And that's the way life goes.

Why Don't You Get A Job - The Offspring

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

And the question looms ugly:

Does Jae need to update the look of his Blog?

Free polls from

Well, we'll see how this turns out. I've been meaning to change the blog around, maybe add in some more stuff, let's see what you guys think!

Dumb - Nirvana

Monday, July 25, 2005

Wakanda rules!

So today was kinda fun. Actually it was a really good day. I got to the dentists, and nothing major was wrong with me. This is good! Then I went to the beach with the Mom and the Emily and that was fun too (Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester, I breathed deep of the salt air on the stiff breeze. Ha ha, the first thing I did was touch the water and taste it, salty! Lovely!) before they drove me over (a long circuitous route through small-town northshore, Ipswich, Essex and the like, very nice) to the camp where I hung out with Courtney and her group for the rest of the day. I had fun, but man all they wanted to do was either complain that I wasn't working there, hang on my arms (the little ones), or tell me all the bad things that were happening to them. It was surreal, I don't think they realized I'd been gone. Afterwords, the van took off without me, at Adam's urging I'm sure, so I rode back with the busses. Then got to wait around doing very little until 7:00 because they had a staff meeting. Very strange stuff.

In between the appointment and the beach we went to Denny's to get some food, and yep! Some things never change. Fairly crappy service, and oh my god that coffee was... well horrible. So of course out of spite I drank four cups of it.

Still at home, so besides what's running through my head, no music. I COULD turn on the radio. Bah to the effort.

Hazy thoughts, happy thoughts.

Well shitums. I can't sleep, the cycle is all out of wac again. Oh well. I have some happy thoughts running around in my head right now to so I don't particularly want to sleep anyways. Tomorrow should be funtimes: Dentist at eight A.M. (okay, yeah that's gonna suck), then I'm hoping to hit up Wakanda and see how the old camp is doing. Maybe actually 'volunteer' for a day.

It's odd, I didn't realize till now that I actually miss the night noises around here.

Oh yeah! Matt S. is quite alive and well, had a wedding this weekend. Hopefully I'll see him tomorrow. Matt E. is alive as well but he's dead on the inside, so I con't know if that counts... And Commie is of course addicted to Everquest.


Sunday, July 24, 2005

I'm HOME!!!

Big problem. Since I basically didn't sleep before I came home, I forgot things. Like the phone numbers of all the people I wanted to call when I got here. Now if I can get in touch with Ben, all will be fine. But he's probably out and about with A.P. so that's sort of going to be difficult. Well, some people are trackdownable. I really really wish cell phones were listed in the directory. NO ONE lives at home anymore it seems, and NO ONE has anything but a cell phone. GAH! Courtney's the only one I've been ablt to get in touch with (which is kick-ass since I haven't seen her in a long long time and she's one of the coolest people on the planet) because miraculously I had her cell phone in email form. I think I'm going to now make an email list of contacts, and email it to myself. That way where ever I go with internet, I go with the numbers too!

No music, I'm at home on the new PC, and there's not much to listen too. As in nothing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Shush now.

I'm just posting because i like this song and my computer hasn't played it in a long time. Yeah yeah sleep. Doing it now.

Brain Stew - Greenday

One mooooore thing!

FRAKIN' HELL Battlestar Galactica is GOOD. Okay, just watched episode one of the second season and wow, holy shit are they starting the season on ALL cylinders. It's good. REALLY good. Watch it, you'll be glad you did. Just awesome stuff.

Blade Runner Theme - I'm not sure who wrote it.


Take the bad with the good, or so they say. So I cut my finger almost to the bone today, and almost neatly sliced off the top of my pointer too (the deep one's on the middle). But Maggie made pasta and gave it to me with Gatorade to help make the sickies go away. Woo! Of course I also have to clean the place for Ben's parents approval and continuing feigned ignorance of the sty we usually live in, but that's all good.

Anxious Heart - Nobuo Uematsu

Monday, July 18, 2005


So I've been sick all weekend. Which has sucked. For 'sleep' I basically lie in bed making a stain because it's so freakin' hot out. And now I'm up at 6:20. Because I can't sleep and I'm about to sign up for classes. ....woo? Shit this sucks. On the plus side I've grown to HATE Robarts even more then I did before. Mostly because I've been spending as much time there as possible (it's got the AC), you know in retrospect... that's probably why I'm sick. Okay, time to find another ACed study place. I might actually go hang out at work instead. Hmm... there is the free coffee, though I'm not sure how much they'd let me abuse that.

In other news:

The theater that my sister was performing in Cinderella burned down. For all of you who grew up near where I did, that would be the North Shore Music Theater. Okay, so it didn't burn down, it just burned a little, the sprinklers turned on, and everything got heat warped and wet. So the show is cancelled. Which is actually a huge bummer since I won't get to see it when I go home. That's the 23rd by the way, through to the tuesday morning, in case anyone cared.

My apartment smells a bit like dog. And my lord Emily that dog sheds. Okay, explanation. Emily came over with her dog Tyra. Apparently she took the dog for a walk/drive to get the stuff she'd left at Maggie and Becca's. On the plus side, Emily has now seen 'Big Trouble in Little China', and 'Equilibrium'. Which are both very good, for very different reasons, but still very good.

The Harry Potter book is out and I'm starting to hate people. People who stand IN LONG LINES AT GROCERY STORES (Dominion on Bloor/Walmer) AND DISCUSS LOUDLY THE NUANCES OF THE PLOT! I kid ye not. I am now really really mad. I actually had to ask them to politely stop talking about it because I couldn't cover both my ears and carry the groceries at the same time, and I wanted to read the book myself. Then they had the nerve to ask me where I got off telling them what they could and couldn't do. I was about to drop my groceries and slap the very arrogant 6'4" blonde man who was staring me down, when a small explosion went off behind the couple. The small explosion was a five and a half foot black english teacher. My only words to describe the stream of words that came from her mouth about people respecting the desires and wishes of other people to experience literature for themselves, to the cashier, was.. wow. The guy's still an ass though.

Ben is still not here. It's really really strange having such a large apartment to myself for so long. It's kinda lonely.

Alright. Time to do something else.

Get Away - Goldfinger

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Stupid sleep.

I couldn't sleep so I decided to surf around the web. And what do I find on Fark?

Wow this is kinda harsh. But why oh WHY did I feel like it spaketh the truth?

If Blue does leave Red, would Canada split too? Kleine and Calgary would probably like nothing more then to go hang out with Oklahoma, but Halifax, Montreal, and Toronto? Added with Boston, New York, Philly, Pittsburg, well why don't we just throw in the northeast in general, that economy seems sound, especially if Quebec throws in. BC and northern CA would hang out with their buddy Seattle, and a giant monrail could be built (under ground or above) to cross the prairies and connect them. That way the crazy liberals wouldn't 'pollute' the rest from sheer proximity. Enh, maybe we'll just fly. So let's start a poll going. What areas would come with a Blue cessesion? What could we do about places like Chicago and Edmonton? The Mormon Nation State of Utah, is it a possibility within such a scenario? Gasp, would we lose Snowbird?

Egad, who would get Hawaii in the long run?

Accoustic #3 - Goo Goo Dolls

Too long, way too long.

Ah the Corpus Iurus Civilis, how I respect and despise thee at all the same time. I haven't posted on a long time. Maria is long gone, she has a room now, and her visit was spectacularly welcome. This place almost seems inhabited when she's here.

Back to typing then some sleep, then I should be done at 3ish, and wake up early to proofread tommorrow!

Light Up My Room - Barenaked Ladies