Monday, September 25, 2006

Johnny non-Mneumonic

So Alicia commented that my roommate Johnny is now going to be writing for the Torontoist and that her world is shrinking rapidly. So I went on over there to check it out.

And there he is with the red hair.


That picture is of course from the website.

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Long Expected Party

It's Friday and I just got some serious sleeping done. Made the rest of last week seem worth all that effort and work. I have some very interesting classes this year, and the worst lecturer I've ever had in my LIFE. If ever there was a man who needed to discover powerpoint it's him.

Back in Toronto! Wheeee! Still don't have a bed since the day I was going to bring it in was pouring rain. Soaked mattress = bad. But that shall be remedied this weekend.

Other then Bon Cop Bad Cop fantastically awesomeness that I saw with Nicole last night I've got nothing popping into my head other then not having posted in a good long time from lack of a computer. I've seen some people again which I hadn't seen a good long time. Bumped into Dan which was nice, didn't get a picture though. Emily, Andrew, and Nicole however I caught on film for everyone to see!

Hey look Jae's arm!

Adventures in the Eaton Centre. I can't remember the original reason for going there. It might have had something to do with not wanting to spend money. A certain celebrity however was there and all of freakin' Dundas Square was clogged. It took us I think ten minutes to get from the entrance of the Eaton Centre to the north side of Dundas and Younge. Total distance is about 50 feet at the most.

Ahhh, if looks could kill my soul would have scars. Though Nicole trying to smile for a camera while in the midst of a deathglare is amusing to watch in person!

That's all, now I'll go prepare for the 'Long Expected Party'.
Chapter One of Book One of the Lord of the Rings if read will bring understanding and enlightenment. As well as entertainment! Really you can't lose.

One more thing, has anyone out there read Lord Foul's Bane? I can't decide on whether I like it, or hate it. Looking to discuss. Alex is in the same boat I am I think.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Emily = Camera Shield

This sister's mine!

Monday, September 04, 2006

pwning n00bs!

Don't know why I didn't think of this before but I discovered that my home PC is broadcasting WiFi a couple of days ago.

Words can not describe the moment of pure joy I experienced.

The one oddity is that my basement room here gets the best reception for some strange reason (the computer is on the second floor of the house) but there's a couch and privacy down there so it's all good.

Needless to say the DS has been getting a workout. Especially since during the day I'm stuck here a lot and the computer is occupied. It also probably might be because I picked up Starfox Command and Tetris DS (both WiFi games) as well as Trauma Center:Under the Knife, and that two of my friends here, Craig and Steve, as well as my stepfather Chip all have DS's. Craig even imported the Bleach Fighting game that I played and somehow managed to not come in last in. Even after I figured out how to turn off the handicap that I didn't know I had going for me.

I don't know if many people know this, but I have the language settings on my DS set to French. I only mention this because Tetris actually recognized this and on it's own volition switched to using French instead of English like every other game I own. Even during local download play, it was able to send it's info and handle whatever language the other DS was using. It's not even a kind of Canadian dual language thing either as this one was bought here in Massachusetts and I tested it with Chip's with his set on Spanish. I think it's brilliant and I actually sort of appreciate it, more so after playing that Bleach game and not understanding what the hell was going on for all the Kanji. It would be nice to see more games, especially the WiFi capable ones be multilingual capable like Tetris.

As a side note, Chip capitulated in the most recent showdown the two of us had (a very closely contested and brutal match in Advanced Wars Dual Strike) so I claim bragging rights over him for the time being. w00t.

Labo(u)r Day's a Tuesday this year?

Meh. My phone ran out of the juice. When I thought I'd plugged it into the wall socket to recharge I apparently didn't take into account my sisters desire to recharge her gameboy. Looking at the table it wasn't immediately obvious that the plug had been removed from the socket. Of course, why she pulled the plug instead of just using the other empty socket is something I have already...'discussed' with her. So no pictures yet again.

It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when friends send you links like these two because it made them laugh with me in mind. Thanks Maria!

Also, my family has been quite the busy people of late;

Emily's in theaters again. The
stage variety. With guilds, and unions involved and the like. One of the step-sisters in the show has kept a blog going which might interest some of you out there.

I just finished helping my brother move into his new apartment in Somerville. It's the good part so don't worry (I know what you're thinking, there's a good part of Somerville? I asked the same question...) but he is indeed going to UMass Boston this year. As for him moving in. Yeah, he's got roommates and wasp nest in what used to be a bathroom attached to one of his rooms on his mountaintop retreat of a mansion. I humbly direct your attention to the plural form of 'room' being used there. He has his own floor.

And there was a wedding yesterday it seems. At least I didn't get to go. Emily and I saw Superman in 3D at the Imax instead. There was icecream and watching trapeze artists, before an epic trial of Denny's, so it wasn't a total loss of a day. My god that service was awful. Just, I mean, it's Denny's so I'm not expecting much but still. The company was stellar however.

Tommorow I shall help Steve move into his dorm. At least that's what I think is happening. Either way it's sleep time for me!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Stick a fork in them, they're cliched

Just so you know, I'm really not trying to make it a habit of posting at this godawful hour of the morning. Fluke.

Also it's when I'm most assured of getting access to the internet capable PC here at the home for longer then four consecutive minutes.

However, I'm tired. So no pictures this time.

BUT! I did go to the Sox/Jays game at Fenway due to tickets my Stepfather received for his birthday, and Joe, this ones for you buddy;

Thank you Alex Rios!

So the Sox losing streak is at an end thankfully. Onwards to other news now.

So most of you don't know that Boston Cannons lost in their semi-final game last weekend against the Philadelphia Barrage. One of you, that being Maria, might actually know that the San Fransisco Dragons lost to the Denver Outlaws just before the Cannons game (I was rooting for them for you Maria, even if you weren't!) but that would have more to do with her love of Bay Area sports in general as opposed to any love for Major League Lacrosse. Anyways Philly went on to lay a spanking on the outlaws to win it all. I'd hate them, but I'm busy despising New York.

Hey is anyone up for a Fantasy Football League or something?

So I'm in Massachusetts, I was in Arizona, and I'll be back in Ontario in a couple on the 11thish. <-- does that work?

To the bed for now. Later I'll fill in links, and a new post shall materialized with pictures, and even more links. For today I have to help my brother move in to his new place. I leave Toronto, where I moved/am moving twice in as many months, to come home relax and... move.

I need a hug!