Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And so my family grows.

Back for another post. Lets see, what's happened since I left you all. It's vacation week now, have some fun field trips to look forward to on top of all day kiddies. Fun fun. Bought some new pants as well. They're greenish. That sort of olive khaki colour green though. Comfy.

I am having a bitch of time beating the damn Slayer song in Guitar Hero 3. Same spot fucking kills me every time. I've taken to actually using their 'practice' function so I can slow down the song and try and figure it out. And you know what? Even THAT can kick my ass. I can beat every other song on hard with the exception of Dragonforce, Through the Fire and Flames. But even that's the bonus song of awesome you get to play AFTER defeating *****SPOILER ALERT***** Satan. Yes I was made to add that alert. I'm annoyed. So damn annoyed. I want to move on beyond hard. You'd think that if I can beat every other song in hard, I could pull that one off. Yet I can only get me about 37% of the way through.

Oh yes. The other annoying thing that happened to me. Bootcamp. Apparently I'm not good enough for Apple to deign to allow me the priviledge of using it. And all because I don't have $130 to spend on Leopard. Tiger's working just fine for me right now, I really don't want to have to switch. Quick! Someone steal me a copy! Go now and pirate for me!


Did I mention my brother got engaged? Just one more proof that Camp is the greatest place on earth. It's been a good weekend! Now, on to planning the bachelor party...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Oh god has it really been a week? Sorry guys I've been battling some kind of Martian Death Plague. Don't really know what it is, only that I'm freakin' wiped out all the time. Then of course, I can't fall asleep at night which compounds the issue. I got sick of lying in bed waiting to do just that so I decided to post since it's been a week!

Of course, being sick means there's not so much news at all to tell. I've had work, rehearsals, a public hearing on proposed new licensing regulations (bureaucracy sure is fucking boring, especially when all you want to do is take your turn on record and get the hell out because your temples after twenty three years of getting along just fine on opposite sides of your head have decided they want to meet one another at last. And of course that one woman who is there to complain, not to offer advice, voice a concern, or even criticize but to just whine a lot is right before you in line...) and went to Your Move Games prerelease for UFS (which I won... w00t).

That's about it really. Too tired to move much more, so I'm going to end this post here. I want to talk a bit about some of the programming we're trying to get done at camp, but I'll do that later. Big meeting to discuss just this very thing in the morning in fact. But goodnight!

Shut the fuck up you damn bird I'm trying to sleep!

PS: If you're up for something odd, try googling 'Martian Death Plague'. Some very suprising results, at least to me.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I've got guns & Jutsus

Your Move Games was pretty full today. Got to teach a guy how to play UFS, and got a few real matches in as well which was welcome. I cannot lie, there was indeed a whole lot of pokemon being played amongst a few DS systems there, at least they showed me a way to hatch my egg easily. Now I need to catch like five more.

Gotta catch 'em all.

Next Sunday we're having a pre-release at the store though for the two new sets of UFS. Maybe now people will stop whining if they lose to me. Fairs fucking fair, in Toronto I was better than Tyler and Christian. And Tyler could put up one hell of a fight. Everyone else (except for a certain Kyo deck that my Ken could occasionally pull off a win against) pwned my ASS hardcore.

Here Steve's my competition really if I'm playing one of my better decks (namely Ken, Rock, or Adon) but we've got a host of newbies, at least two maybe three who are just picking it up so they'll be able to duke it out with one another with some level of parity. As for the other three guys who have been playing for a while... they've got to drop the damn two checks, learn what card advantage means, and stop complaining about cards they don't have. They've got cards I don't have too. Grah. Had a good throw down using my Astaroth against Chris' Terry deck today though. First round went to me after I managed to use my Astaroth's R: to spam attacks (I had three Floats running in my staging area... it was pretty) until I drew down into Demented Moon for the win. We were at 4 and 5 life each so it was close. The second match was equally close, I couldn't draw enough attacks to finish him off, and he nailed me with a Buster Wolf, juiced up with its Powerful, and following a Fierce Determination (which I traded him in the first place) as the finishing touch.

The third game saw me with a starting hand of Demented Moon, Lost Memories, Experienced, Legendary Blade, Float Like a Butterfly, and False Contrition. Oh yeah. I can deal with that. A first turn Float always makes my job easier, the lost memories slowed him up (that Terry runs Float off All) and experienced is good in my deck. A two drop to follow Float and Legendary Blade that helps me play a lot of my cards was great, especially since I made every check and had Astaroth available to let me throw down Lost Memories the first turn as well. Three foundations is a solid start any day. But chucking in an asset like Legendary Blade made me feel good things about the coming third round. Even better was on my next draw I picked up two Made Not Born, another Lost Memories, and a Beginners Luck. Fucking sweet. Four or five turns later, with a Gyulkus and a Dirty Pool in play, I played a twenty one point unblockable Demented Moon for the win. I like my Astaroth. His job is to survive until he can bring all his guns to bear and take out the trash. Luckily he's got the vitality to pull it off most of the time.

Work was interesting. Not much to say. We have one prick of a child in our program, but he can be dealt with. Kids watched The Gameplan today, no one spotted Emily, but they weren't looking all that hard I'm sure. Other than that, I'm not really all that interesting tonight.

Well since I'm pretty much done with this post, time to kick Steve out of my room and shut guitar hero off for the night.

Nautical Disaster - The Tragically Hip

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Looks Like Hillary's taking this state.

Hello out there in the world.

I had a very full day today. Voted, started work quite a bit early, like 8:30 early (I normally go in at 10:00 and today I was supposed to start at 11:00, so yes this was very early indeed) as I was called by my boss. Why the fuck did I answer that phone... hell on any other day I would have slept through it (it was set to stealth mode) I was up early to vote and meet for breakfast. Random luck that I walked by it when it was ringing. It was almost immediately after my DS woke me up as well.

It's not my job that to cover preschool when a teacher is called out. No seriously, it's not at all. But today I was an assistant doing just that. I love where I work, and am all about helping out, but that's way out of my zone of expertise here. The kicker, instead of getting out early? I end up staying late since we were down staff and such. I think I've spent maybe an hour and a half total, all times added together in my office in the last two days. Grah! I just hope shits getting done in there.

Had goodbye cake today though. Sad because I'll miss the guy who's leaving, but it was tasty!

Lets see now, I voted (not the town I live in but the one I work in is either insane or just collectively moronic about where they're voting is held. In one place, in a busy area, with one way in and one way out. Of course, it's pretty much next door to where I work so driving twenty feet was like diving headfirst into a power juicer. That's right, it felt like my brain was an orange with Fruitfucker Prime on the loose. Not so much fun.) worked, had pancakes for dinner (Mardi Gras!), attended rehearsal to block a scene for my show. Waited a long time for other people to show up for the second scene that was supposed to be blocked that of course never showed up. So now I'm home and tired. Steve's been strumming away on Guitar Hero over my shoulder for... actually a very long time! Fuck that my turn! My Wii my turn!


No Transitory - Alexis on Fire
(also an attempt at Through the Fire and Flames with GHIII)

PS: I'm so going for an ALL patch to bust out with for Ken.

Armageddon Empires

Ahhhhh, falling asleep to the dulcet tones of Ninja Scroll. Ani-Monday, thank you for showing me a classic after a long Monday.

My classes went well though. Jerk kid wasn't too jerky and things went smoothly for the most part. Got to clean for a good hour and a half though. Oh there was anger. There was much anger. I bit of blood too, but only a little bit. The Superbowl party trashed my god damn rooms, so bad the cleaning staff couldn't even get in there.

And we all know how much I LOVE to clean up other peoples messes.

Tycho, this game better be worth me mucking through the instructions, it's not so much well thought out. I'm taking your word for it, please don't steer me wrong.

Now to the bed. For tomorrow, I vote!

Ninja Scroll - Clangy clash clash of bitchin' swordplay

Monday, February 04, 2008

It's a doozy

"My name is Wil Wheaton, and Jack Thompson can suck my balls."

Just listened to Wheaton's keynote speech from PAX last night. It was awesome, and you should hear it too. So go now! Shoo! Listen to it now! What I've quoted was the introductory line... awesome.

I'm back to blog. And yes it's because certain people began poking me with sticks (both proverbial and literal... you fuckers). Everyday before I go to bed and after I brush my teeth it seems. So tonight I'm going to start. If anyone is wondering why I'm up at 4:30am, I'm going running to try and detox from the horror that was the Superbowl. How the fuck did we manage to lose that one?

I Am A Poseur - X-Ray Spex