Friday, March 31, 2006

Still not much is there?

It's Friday.
Thank you.
Because I needed it to be Friday.
Damn! I have to work tomorrow!
Frakkin' hell it's during the Rock game too.


My iPod has been having problems recently as well. Wouldn't shut off or play music. Just sort of cycled through them. It worked fine this morning until I got into BCE Place, but then did the same thing, froze when it tried to play the Beastie Boys. I mean, I know Brass Monkey is something different but still.


I think I might actually be playing rugby this summer on a mostly Starbucks team. Maybe they can pay for it too!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I would even LARP for something like this.

In 1986, when I was one or two years old. Video gamers discovered The Legend of Zelda, and the adventure video game as a genre was brought into existance. Born if you will.

Now, in 2006, we can look forward to this.

I love being a geek these days.

It's WiFi!

As if I wasn't convinced enough already to play Metroid Prime Hunters (CHIP has it at this point and has challenged me. And I will not, nay simply can not back down from any challenge from someone I can destroy so handily head-to-head in so many other games), I got the chance to play it once or twice extremely briefly last night via download from Alex's DS.

You have no idea how much revenge is going to be had for that sniper level Alex. I don't care how much I surprised myself by actually almost killing you!

And does this not look full of delicious awesome?

I think it does.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Prepare for your utter pwnage!

NDS Mariokart Friends Code:


Jobs: Kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum...

Bring it n00bs. Bring it.

Not much... yet.

Well the Rock lost in mind numbingly heartbreaky fashion.


I'm back at work again after what was all in all a very good weekend for me.

I want to post nothing more then that right now. But I am so looking forward to eating my mashed potatoes when I go home. Yep. Mashed potatoes. Yummy!

Standing Still

Idling as my days go by,
I am lost here, beneath the sky.
Left wondering how my luck was spent
and where it was, that our love went.

One cannot see beneath the sea,
What it is the future may be,
The wonder, the unknown, still draws me in
a metaphor of sorts for what might have been.

Either gray, or grey, or bright azure,
no matter, for I cannot resist its allure.
To stare and stare, glaring straight in,
And wonder if, our love might have been.

The past is gone, the future is new,
Yet how will I spend it without you?
And so I sit here, lost 'neath the sky,
idling alone as my days go by.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Geek's rule the earth... mostly, almost, kinda.

Honestly, if two girls were to have this conversation in my general presence, they'd make an instant friend out of me.

Full of the awesome they would be.

Monday, March 20, 2006

For all the marbles!

Cuba vs. Japan
1st: 4 - 0 Japan
Small ball much?

9:55 4 - 1 Japan
God damn that was a nasty set of pitches!

2nd: 10:03 4 - 1 Japan
Cuba has some good defence in the infield it seems. Darn.

10:14 4 - 1 Japan
This guy Japan has on the mound is good. Really good.

3rd: 10:26 4 - 1 Japan
That was some of the worst commentary ever. Did they run out of things to say? They listened to the Spanish casters for five minutes!

10:37: 4 - 1 Japan
Japanese pitching keeps going strong. Lead off double, then nada for the Cubans. He's got some stones up there on the mound too.

4th: 10:45: 4 -1 Japan
Not much happened. A walk. These teams are burning through this game.

10:51: 4 - 1 Japan
Now THAT was some defense!

5th: 11:14: 6 - 1 Japan
Good batting by Japan, especially Ichiro who added heads up base-running to get that thing going.

11:20: 6 - 1 Japan
There's a submariner on the mound, and his knuckles might be scraping the mound, named Watanabe. It's a pretty delivery. Or ugly as hell if you're Cuba. Wow.

6th: 11:27: 6 - 1 Japan
Cuban defence strong again. I don't think those bunts could have been any more perfect.

11:36: 6 - 3 Japan
Lefty's jump on Watanabe, and two runs go in. But a double play saves the day for Japan

7th: 11:43: 6 - 3 Japan
1, 2, 3 inning for Cuba. Let's see if Japan returns the favor.

11:50: 6 - 3 Japan
Another error defensively for Japan, but this time it doesn't cost them.

8th: 11:56: 6 - 3 Japan
Another 1, 2, 3 for Cuba. A strong outing by the Cuban pitching finally.

12:12: 6 - 5 Japan
A two run shot will do that to you. But Otsuka came in and shut things down. Two quick outs.

9th: 12:45: 10 - 5 Japan
Ichiro is damn good, but a great slide from another puts them up even more. A really good offensive inning for Japan there. And we've now seen eight Cuban pitchers. Longest inning yet, felt like it anyways. 3 outs away.

12:58: 10 - 6 Japan Wins the Inaugaral World Baseball Classic!

A Brave New Week

Thank you Alicia for helping with my HTML issues. That post below looks a lot prettier now.

Okay, I'm swamped with work. But some quick updates;

I slept through the majority of St. Patricks Day. Sheer exhaustion. It was teh suck. Missed out on the Velvet Underground with Emily, Ana, and some others. Gorram it!

SFS went better then I expected. The door prizes were handed out and SciFi was enjoyed. People actually came, which was cool. AND we got through Season 1 of BSG. I'm so having another one next month. Let's make it the 1st. April 1st. That Saturday. Polls and schedules to come. Stay tuned folks!

I have to open four times this week. Starting tomorrow. Goodbye any life I wanted to have this week. To top it off my gorram review was pushed back again until next monday. I just want it to be over with! I'm having it monday whether they're ready or not.

Today is also the official start of spring, as of 1:26PM this afternoon. Don't worry though. It's still below freezing.

The Bruins... well they're still ahead of two teams for last place...

The Rock however, are back at the top of their Division. That's right you nay-saying Bandits fan (I mean, who the hell likes Buffalo?), and you know exactly who you are, the Rock are on top of the heap (okay, so they're tied... and goal differential goes to Rochester... well... shut up!).

It's what you might call a 'precarious' position though. If the NLL has done one thing, it's demonstrated an absolutely phenomenal amount of parity in the league. And that's never a bad thing in a growing sport. Keeps things interesting and games exciting, and fans attentive. With the only exception of Edmonton (who haven't fared so well despite a lot of extremely close games), every single team in the league as of right now as I type this only a half game back from the lead.

I mean, the standings are almost unbelievable.

And next year, we get to beat up on Chicago. I can handle that.

For now though I'm going. As of right now to the Rock game this Saturday, March 25th at 2:00PM EST, in the Air Canada Center. All who are in, let me know. It's against Calgary folks. The last game against them in Toronto left me with this quote from Alex;

"Oh dear god a man shouldn't bend like that!", a pause then, "Awesome."

I'm going to have fun. And so should you. Why? Because you like fun. You're not a boring pathetic specimen of the human race! You're a doer! You do things! Come on!

Here's a more political message before I'm back to the work, from David Simpson, creator of 'I drew this' one of the webcomics off on that right sidebar there --->

It's long. You have been warned.

March 19, 2006

The Bush 9/11 myth.

It's the great myth of the George W. Bush presidency: "Bush was brilliant right after 9/11."

You hear it from all sorts of people. You even hear it a lot from liberals, or at least I do. The sorts of liberals who are trying to sound reasonable by saying something nice about Dubya: "But, to be fair, he was really great right after 9/11."

And of course it's gospel truth in the media. Chris Matthews of MSNBC, for instance, recently referred to the peak of Bush's popularity as "when he was so heroic after 9-11."

(Matthews, of course, frequently says cartoonishly fawning things about Bush, calling him a "hero," saying he "glimmers with sunny nobility," saying he quite possibly "belongs on Mount Rushmore," comparing him to To Kill A Mockingbird's Atticus Finch. That many people accept him as a hard-hitting objective journalist, frankly, says absolutely terrible things about our media culture.)

Now, as far as I can tell now in hindsight, and in fact as far as I could tell at the time, the story of Bush's great performance after 9/11 is a complete myth, on all levels. There is absolutely no aspect of Bush's handling of that event and its aftermath that I find the least bit admirable.

Let's start before 9/11, shall we?

Clinton's outgoing national security team warned Bush's incoming National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, that she was going to spend most of her time dealing with terrorism and Osama bin Laden. She did nothing to act on this advice, possibly because "do the opposite of what Clinton did" was the major ideological creed of the incoming administration.

In March of that year, the bipartisan Hart-Rudman study was issued, which argued that America was likely to face a large-scale terrorist attack in the near future and recommended some steps to protect against it (many of which, had they been in place, stood at least a chance of doing something to thwart 9/11). Bush ignored the report, and instead had Vice President Cheney convene an antiterror "task force" to come up with its own set of recommendations.

As of 9/11, Cheney's task force had never met. But it's not because Cheney didn't have the time for task forces; his energy task force met a bunch of times during the same period. The administration just didn't take the threat of terrorism seriously. Clearly, Gary Hart and Warren Rudman did. As had the previous administration.

But the Bush Administration dropped the ball. Even that infamous August 6, 2001, national security briefing, titled "Bin Laden Determined To Strike Inside the United States," failed to raise any alarm bells or rouse Bush from pretending to be a cowboy on his "ranch."

Could 9/11 have been prevented? Impossible to say. Plausibly yes, but quite arguably no. Experts much wiser than myself don't know. But it seems impossible to argue, with a straight face, that Bush had done everything he could, or even everything others with expertise in the matter were pleading with him to do.

And we got hit.

Think back to the day of. Now, you can think what you want about Michael Moore, but he did not fake that footage of Bush entering that classroom knowing full well that the first plane had hit the first tower, and hung out there for seven minutes after the second plane hit, with a confused expression on his face.

Maybe Chris Matthews and I have different definitions of "hero." Maybe everyone's definition of "bold, decisive action" differs radically from mine. I dunno.

Then Bush spent the rest of the day scurrying around the country on Air Force One, like a frightened squirrel. (The White House made up some excuse that's almost certainly not true about believing there was a credible threat that the plane itself would be a terrorist target. Well, then get the president off the plane, Einstein.) As it often would throughout the crisis, the job of actually doing something that would help, both substantively and psychologically, fell to Rudolph Giuliani, a man I normally don't like at all but who really does deserve credit for handling the crisis well.

So, okay. Then Bush landed, and went to work giving speeches. Former Bush speechwriter David Frum, author of The Right Man and coiner of the first two words of the phrase "axis of evil," lauds Bush in his book for standing at the wreckage of the world Trade Center and looking very serious and somber. To Frum, this is proof that Bush came of age as president in the wake of the crisis, rose from being "Dubya" to being a serious and historic commander-in-chief. But ask yourself--if the sole qualification for the presidency is seeing something tragic and not laughing inappropriately, what reasonably bright ten-year-old child couldn't serve as president?

What's more, Bush always gets credit for restoring the nation's confidence during this shaky period. But to the extent that he did this, he did it in the cheapest possible way--by making threats against people who not only hadn't done anything, but had in fact pledged already to support us. And in doing so, he squandered the event's only real silver lining, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cultivate international goodwill, even more vital in an era where the major enemies are lawless terrorists.

I mean, do you remember what it was like? As traumatized as we as a nation were, didn't it just make you cry when Chirac said "we are all Americans now," in a moving echo of "ich bin ein Berliner"? Not only did France pledge to support us--Iran did too. Everyone did. We had the whole world offering condolences and asking what help we needed.

There was only one proper response to this, for a president truly interested in what was best for his country: "Thank you. We appreciate the offers of help. If we do need anything, we will let you know."

But we had a president who was more interested in a short-term boost to his TV-based approval ratings, and damn the cost to international relations. So he thought he'd threaten everybody into doing what they'd already volunteered to do. "You're either with us or you're against us," he snarled, perhaps not realizing that Dirty Harry is not an international diplomacy guide. I think everyone was a bit taken aback by the truculence of Bush's tone. Instead of solidifying international alliances of goodwill, Bush set us firmly on the path to where we are now--isolation and hostility.

What's more, in a time of unparalleled national unity--I myself wore an American flag pin on my jacket, something I would have considered unthinkably jingoistic before that, from right after 9/11 right up until our troops went into Iraq--Bush turned us against each other. As usual, Bush didn't go on TV himself and decry his opponents as treasonous, because that isn't how Rove and co. operate--they have the front man go on TV and look all resolute, while the folks lower down smear dissenters. But recall how anyone who said anything even slightly off-message was treated. Ari Fleischer sounded positively fascist when he warned "Americans need to watch what they say, watch what they do."

So, okay, Bush did invade Afghanistan, and did it with an international coalition. But, honestly, absolutely anyone to the right of Dennis Kucinich would have done exactly the same thing. Everyone supported that invasion as a necessary thing. Al Gore was a full supporter of it, so any conservative who tells you Gore would have relied on diplomacy instead of invading doesn't know what he's talking about. You can't seriously call Bush a hero for taking an action absolutely anyone would have taken.

Bush also squandered every other opportunity he had to ask us for sacrifice, make significant changes to domestic policy. Presidents in wartime have a long history of asking for shared sacrifice and getting it, from a citizenry proud to give it, proud to unite in the service of a common cause.

A real "hero" of a leader would have called for energy conservation. He (or she) might have called for us to get off Middle East oil entirely, called for an Apollo-style project for total energy independence, using the tragedy of 9/11 to change the course of history for the better. The nation would, I believe, have risen to it.

So what did Bush, who is not a hero, call for? "Go shopping," he said. "Let us suspend whatever liberties we want. Oh, and have another round of tax cuts."

Subsequently, Bush and his military types let bin Laden escape at Tora Bora, then pulled key forces out of the region for an invasion of Iraq, for which they also abused the memory of 9/11 and further trashed international relations and national security.

A real hero would have addressed the genuine causes of the tragedy, admitted that he could have done more, and gone on to do more. He would have reached out to the world for help instead of snarling that they'd better stay in line or else. He would have called for shared sacrifice in the service of shared benefit, instead of using the crisis as a convenient excuse for policies he already wanted to pursue. He would have done the exact opposite of what George W. Bush did at every turn.

Well that's enough out of me. Craig. Update. You're bad at this. Joe you're falling behind too. That's right people. I'm watching you.

Holiday - Green Day

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Today is Mar 15, 2006

The votes are in, Futures it is.

'NOW SERVE DIM SUM', the Dim Sum restaurant. 0%0
Cafe Elise, at Spadina and Sussex 22%2
Futures Bakery, at Bloor and Brunswick 67%6
Tim Hortons, at Spadina and Bloor 11%1

9 total

The Bruins lost last night 5-4 to Toronto. I had to hear about it all god damn day too. Jerks. On the plus side I got away with telling someone that they didn't root for a real hockey team when they showed up with a Canucks hat on. The Bruins break my heart though. I doubt they'll hit .500 before the season ends, and what did they do? They traded their two best players! Gah!

And Korea beat the U.S. of A. Major Leaguers didn't have anything to prove before. Now I think they do.

So the plan is now:

SciFi Saturday's Schedule: Pirates Code in Effect

10:00 AM = Meet AT Future's Bakery for breakfasty socialization.
1:00 PM = SFS Dominion supermarket supply run leaves from 666 Spadina.
2:00 PM = Door Prize Draw!
2:01 PM = Battlestar Galactica Season One renews in 511 at 666 Spadina.

6:00 PM = Hour break for dinner, stretching, bathrooms, more supplies, sex, whatever you need.
7:01 PM = SFS continues.
10:00 PM or closest roundoff = BSG Season One is over.
10:30 PM = Go somewhere for discussion about recently viewed BSG over alcohol and/or food.

Beware the fury of a patient man.
- John Dryden

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
- Unknown

Obviously the facts are never just coming at you but are incorporated by an imagination that is formed by your previous experience. Memories of the past are not memories of facts but memories of your imaginings of the facts.
- Philip Roth

Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Poll, a Generator, and interweb frustration.

I really need to learn to save my data more often when playing on the interweb.

Things I touched on that were lost;
The Rock
The Red Sox
The World Basball Classic
Answers to Emily's quiz.
What happened to me this weekend.
Battlestar Galactica, and my now fragile psyche.
The STRS Clan

Luckily, some of this stuff was saved by being from a different source.

Here's a poll that I made in order to determine whether or not I should rotate where SFS Breakfast shall be held. Vote. It's your civic duty. Below that's a generator thingy I got from Steve's LJ. Gah. Stupid interweb.

Where oh where shall the SFS Breakfast be enjoyed?
'NOW SERVE DIM SUM', the Dim Sum restaurant.
Cafe Elise, at Spadina and Sussex
Futures Bakery, at Bloor and Brunswick
Tim Hortons, at Spadina and Bloor
ENDS 3/15/06 5:00PM EST

What would be your role in FFVII? - Just do it damn you!>
Favorite Color
RoleA SOLDIER... a really sexy one. 3
Love InterestAeris
How you dieSephiroth ran you through. Hey, it's Sephiroth! At least it wasn't Shinra!
Wasting time is so easy.!

So I was going to post, and tell everyone about SciFi Saturday, and how it went off very well. About how I couldn't find Dan's party on Saturday and wound up wandering around some random bar in Kensington looking like the fool. Tell you about my search for another roommate, and future plans. About.... life.

But I just watched Battlestar Galactica, episode twenty. All of that seems to have been brushed aside, trivial. I no longer know what to do. I have a Mike's hard in my hand. It's helping.

I was.

Now I don't know.

I'm going to sit in the corner now.

Friday, March 10, 2006

A very odd week indeed.

So the final votes have been tallied, and it looks like Battlestar Galactica Season One has been chosen. So the door prize to be given with joy shall pertain to BSG. I wonder what it will be?

The final score:

Current Battlestar Galactica: Season One 60%6
Babylon 5: Season One 40%4
10 votes total

Thanks to everyone who participated in the domocratic process!

So, onwards and upwards.

Note: The dimsum to be had, is at a restaurant on Spadina Ave. It is on the west side around Dundas. It has a big yellow banner that reads (in red letters); "NOW SERVE DIMSUM" It's hard to miss!

SciFi Saturday's Schedule: Pirates Code in Effect

10:00 AM = Meet at/for Dimsum
1:00 PM = SFS Dominion supermarket supply run leaves from 666 Spadina.
2:00 PM = Door Prize Draw!
2:01 PM = Chosen SciFi Begins in 511 at 666 Spadina.

6:00 PM = Hour break for dinner, stretching, bathrooms, more supplies, sex, whatever you need.
7:01 PM = SFS continues.
10:00 PM or closest roundoff = Chosen SciFi ends for the week
10:30 PM = Meet for intellectual discussion about recently viewed SciFi over alcohol and/or food.

So for those of you who bothered to read my postings before on the World Baseball Classic, I offer this question. WTF?!? happened here! You beat the U.S. of frakkin' A. only to get spanked in such a manner! Be ashamed! Go wallow in your superior beer in despair!

As of right now the same US team that lost to Canada, is doing to South Africa as I type this what Loxodonta africana
would do to a tomato upon sitting on it. It's 17 to nothing and it's the top of the fifth inning right now.

I found on Hasbro's sight, what may be the funniest thing ever. Go here and watch the instructional how to video. Go all the way through it. You watch that lightsaber duel! And then laugh as I did at what is basically Star Wars Minatures: Light. I can't quite make out if you actually attack and knock other figures down by shooting them with the spring-guns on the minis... Craig, some of those clone troopers look pretty cool though. You've been on a modelling kick as of late, mabe you could use these?

Speaking of models. This Battlecruiser can be purchased for me at anytime, by anyone. The cloaked one. Go ahead... please?

An update: I just checked in mid-post, and the RSA just got its first shutout inning in the game. It's now the bottom of the fifth. Crikey. The Bruins by the way are out to hurt my feelings I think. First Joe 'golden boy' Thornton, and now Sergei Samsonov. I'd link to the sites and bios, but its just too depressing. And we lost to the Canadiens so I've been having to listen to Leaf's fans whine about how their hopes for a playoffs berth is basically nothing but a pipe-dream now. Gorram it all.

I was taken out to lunch today by my boss at the school, in the old China Town. It was cool and nice of her but, somewhat dampend her telling me that my review was going to fall on the same day as my Starbucks one, and by Lent a suprising amount of beef and pork... and NO chicken, which is NOT a mammal Julia, to be found anywhere). God, I'm trying and all, but this season is going to kill me. Besides missing out on the bacon parties, I now have to explain to the Subway staff near my Starbucks why I haven't eaten anything other then a Tuna sub for the last week and a half. And why I'm not going there very much anymore either. I promised them that the monday after Easter I was going to be there. And that they'd better have my ham sub on wheat ready or I was going to jump the counter.

And my roommates are eating mammals all around me. Surrounded by temptation I am!

And now it's 5:01PM, so the voting is up and I want to go home now.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sci Fi Saturday is Born

So since poll has been up for the last bit, I haven't been posting to keep it at the top. I HAVE had stuff to post about though, so I've been saving it! This one is going to be LONG folks. I fully expect and support your expected reading of this post buffet style.

It's down to the two:
Current Battlestar Galactica: Season One
Babylon 5: Season One
ENDS 3/10/05 5:00PM

The others to receive votes were; the Dune Miniseries (1), Firefly (2), Serenity (1), Deep Space Nine (1), Enterprise (1), and Stargate SG1 (1). Better luck next time.

On Saturday, those who arrive at 2:00 PM immediately prior to the shows start will be eligible to win via draw-out-of-a-hat method, a door prize! The door prize will have some relation to show which is selected to air, and will be extra special, because it will be given with love.

SciFi Saturday's Schedule: Pirates Code in Effect

10:00 AM = Meet at/for Dimsum
1:00 PM = SFS Dominion supermarket supply run leaves from 666 Spadina.
2:00 PM = Door Prize Draw!
2:01 PM = Chosen SciFi Begins in 511 at 666 Spadina.

6:00 PM = Hour break for dinner, stretching, bathrooms, more supplies, sex, whatever you need.
7:01 PM = SFS continues.
10:00 PM or closest roundoff = Chosen SciFi ends for the week
10:30 PM = Meet for intellectual discussion about recently viewed SciFi over alcohol and/or food.

In other news, I haven't posted in a while. The World Baseball Classic is in full swing, and Canada, upset the U.S.A. by defeating them recently. One of my all time favorite players ever even hit a grande slam (Jason Varitek, watch it here) during a very strange, surreal game it seams (an inside the park home run?!?). The good news is, Adam Sterns will be on the Red Sox, which right now is a very good thing!

By the way, can anyone out there what the
hell Kasey Olenberger is doing on team ITALY? I'm lost. Olenberger? Um... Italy? Huh? What's really amusing is looking at team Italy's roster. Did you know that Houston, Staten Island, Long Beach or Miami were part of Italy! I sure didn't! Cool! I mean, at least the Netherlands pretended to care about actually having Dutch members of the team. The Netherland Antilles, Netherland Curacao.... I guess that's what being a one time colonial power will get you. I wonder if the Portuguese could use Brazillians?

And this article by Wayne Drehs of ESPN is pretty good too.

In other news, I have my starbucks reveiw coming up. Arrrg. Not really looking forward to that at all.

And doesn't out there want to live with Melissa and I?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Okay, so vote now.

Would you attend SciFi Saturdays at 666?
Democratize damn you!

If you are attending, what should we watch first?
Battlestar Galactica: Classic
Battlestar Galactica Current
Babylon 5 Season One
Babylon 5: In the Beginning
Dune: The Sci Fi Miniseries
Dune: Movie with Patrick Stewart
Space: Above and Beyond
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season One
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season One
Star Trek: Voyager Season One
Star Trek: Enterprise Season One
Farscape Season One
Stargate: The Movie
Stargate: SG1 Season One
Stargate: Atlantis Season One
Thanks for Voting!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Okay, I have to throw something up here. I'm back from the trip and it was lots of fun, but I don't have time to go into it at present. Lots of busy! For now, here's some filler that sort of follows the theme of Lent which has begun now in the Christian world. It came to my attention from a 'quote-of-the-day' mailing list I have as of yet not removed myself from. Sometimes I get stuff like this though, it's kind of strange. Oh, and I have given up eating the flesh of mammals this year as well, it should prove to be interesting.

Feast of Chad, Abbot of Lastingham, Bishop of Lichfield, Missionary, 672

God is always present and always working towards the life of the soul and its deliverance from captivity under flesh and blood. But this inward work of God, though never ceasing or altering, is yet always and only hindered by the activity of our own nature and faculties, by bad men through their obedience to earthly passions and by good men through their striving to be good in their own way, by their natural strength and a multiplicity of holy labours and contrivances. Both these sorts of people obstruct the work of God upon their souls. For we can cooperate with God no other way than by submitting to the work of God, and seeking, and leaving ourselves to it.

-William Law

Until I get around to updating again, that's about it. Eventually I'll write about the travesty that was the Olympics in regards to Mens Hockey. You'd think that between the U.S. and Canada, that one of them would win a medal. Bronze at least! Gah! At least the Women's teams weren't such a let down, I got to win two medals there.

I guess I should also mention right now that I plan to go to the Toronto Rock game tomorrow, word to the nosebleed seats and all that of course, so if anyone's interested let me know!

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
-Winston Churchill

The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be.
-Chinese Proverb